Thursday, November 30, 2017

With this irrational theology, the new theology of the two popes, there is lex orandi and lex credendi among the traditionalists and liberals

Image result for PhotoS Brother aNDRE mARIE
While the Traditional Latin Mass, which more perfectly expresses Catholic doctrine, is superior to the Novus Ordo on that account, it would be wrong to exaggerate this secondary aspect of the Mass over and above what is primary. In fact, to emphasize this teaching aspect of the Mass over what is primary and most important, is to fall into one of the Protestant errors concerning the Mass that is so often part of the ambiance of the Novus Ordo.
None of this is to diminish the importance of the ancient axiom lex orandi lex credendi, which says, in summary, that the words of the traditional worship of the Church are a reliable aqueduct of apostolic tradition, and are, therefore, useful for theological argumentation.-Brother Andre Marie, MICM (The Four Ends of the Mass)
The Traditional Latin Mass in itself does not perfectly or 'more perfectly express Catholic doctrine' since at the St. Benedict Centers in the diocese of Manchester and Worcester the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary  offer/attend Holy Mass by interpreting Vatican Council II with an irrational premise. So the conclusion is a rupture with Tradition.

There can be two interpretations of Vatican Council II. Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the baptism of desire seen as referring to a physically known person or an invisible person. The inference decides this. It is the same with other hypothetical cases like being saved in invincible ignorance(LG16). 
So for the St.Benedict Centers at the Traditional Latin Mass Vatican Council II(LG 16) is considered an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century. So there is a rupture with the old ecclesiology and Tradition(Syllabus of Errors etc).Since there is a rupture with Tradition it is implied that there is a known case of someone who is an exception. There is a known case of someone saved outside the Church without the baptism of water but in invincible ignorance.
For me LG 16 refers to an invisible person in 2017 and so cannot be a known exception to EENS.Vatican Council II is not a rupture with Tradition. It is with this theology and doctrine that I attend the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo.
So on this point the Traditional Latin Mass is not superior to  the Novus Ordo Mass.
It is with this irrational theology, the new theology of the two popes, that there is lex orandi and lex credendi among the traditionalists and liberals.
The SSPX ,FSSP and sedevacantists also use the irrational premise to interpret EENS. So today we have an EENS (Cushingite) as opposed to the EENS (Feeneyite) of the St. Benedict Centers.All are traditionalists at the Traditional Latin Mass.
Fr.John Zuhsldorf recommends the Catechism of the Catholic Church which he interprets with the false premise and then offers the Traditional Latin Mass. The same error is made by Bishop Morlino in Madison, USA.-Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 19, 2017

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Rorate Caeili , Una Voce offer Traditional Latin Mass without EENS(Feeneyite) as in the 16th century Latin Mass :alternative to New Age

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