Saturday, December 16, 2017

Fr. Pier Paolo Petrucci,SSPX District Superior Italy removed by Bishop Fellay : unable to say Vatican Council II is not a rupture with Tradition and an objective error was made by the Society

Fr. Pier Paolo Petrucci, is no more the District Superior,of the SSPX in Italy he has been removed from his post due to some unspecified tension over some issue.He was removed last year and in February this year was given a new assignment according to an online report by the acting superior general.The SSPX website in Italy has not announced the name of a new superior.

It has been now some five years that I have been asking the SSPX Superior in Italy and the SSPX priests to clarify their position on an important issue and there has been no response.

Don Petrucci gave a talk at Rimini in which he assumed that Vatican Council II was a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). For him UR 3, LG 16 etc referred to exceptions to EENS.For me they are not exceptions since they refer to unknown people in our reality.

Also for the SSPX priests at Albano, Italy unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance were known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS Feeneyite).Not for me.Since invisible cases of the BOD,BOB and I.I cannot be visible exceptions to EENS.

There was no clarification or correction from the SSPX Italy.Otherwise they issue press statements. I even went to Albano a few times but no statement was forthcoming.

I do not know why Don Petrucci was removed but it was clear that the SSPX priests were not saying in public that Vatican Council was not a rupture with Tradition. While they were qouted on this blog as saying that that there were no known cases of BOD, BOB and I.I in our reality. Don Aldo Rossi, the SSPX Prior, said that this was something "obvious".-Lionel Andrades 

DECEMBER 16, 2017

The Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) must set its doctrinal house in order

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