Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Good Sermon on Charity and Scandal……Video

Posted by Tantumblogo
…….with a particular focus on the need for modest dress, especially among women.
Yes, men must dress modestly, too, but for two key reasons, the issue of modesty is dress has always had a particular urgency for women more than men. First, while men may occasionally dress immodestly, both culturally and from a standpoint of human biology, it is much more common for women to do so. They have more to show off, as it were. Secondly, men are much, much more influenced by what they see, in the sense of temptation against the 6th and 9th Commandments, than women. Men are extremely motivated by visual stimuli, especially of a sexual nature. Thus, as father notes, men are normally much more affected by immodest dress, than women.
This all has to do with charity towards our neighbor. A young lady may want to flaunt what she’s got, but whose interests is she serving if she insists on doing so? Is anyone being hurt? She may think not, but the priest indicates that there is great potential for harm.
The sermon also touches much more generally on what constitutes charity and scandal, and fleshes out those concepts for us.
It’s pretty brief, at about 10 minutes, and I believe a helpful and edifying reminder (for many of us – if it’s new to you, all the better).
I can’t remember when Father gave this sermon, I must have heard it. I’m thinking it was a few years back.
Video : Charity vs Scandal

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