Sunday, December 24, 2017

If the Baptism of Desire refers invisible people in our reality only then Bishop Donald Sanborn adn Fr.Anthony Cekada are stuck. There is no rational way out.

If the Baptism of Desire refers invisible people in our reality only, if they are not real people saved outside the Church who are known to us in real life, then Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr.Anthony Cekada are stuck.
There is no rational way out.
Their entire theology and basic philosophy was based on invisible for us baptism of desire cases which became exceptions  to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
It is now probably two years  or more since I have asked them if BOD refers to invisible cases in our reality.
It is obvious for me that we  cannot see someone saved with BOD. BOD would only be known to God. The sedevacantists  will not answer.
BOD refers to known people or are they just possibilities known only to God, things hoped for, speculation with goodwill.
Could someone ask them if BOD refers to a physically visible person?
Since they consider BOD an exception to Feeneyite EENS they imply that BOD is physically visible to be an exception.
Now they will not admit that they were wrong they do not want to talk about it.
-Lionel Andrades

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