Thursday, December 14, 2017

Medjugorje Miracle… Vicka’s Prayers and the Young Child With Rare Cancer …Doctors Have No Explaination

Medjugorje Miracle… Vicka’s Prayers and the Young Child With Rare Cancer …Doctors Have No Explaination

Once Dario arrives he is subjected to preliminary examinations in order to operate and once in the operating room he undergoes an open heart surgery. After only 4 hours of operation the surgeon at the head of the medical team interrupts the operation giving a shocking news: “There is no trace of the tumor, as if there had never been, I have nothing to operate the child is healthy” 

Originally Published at La Luce Di Maria in Italian Translated by Google

Vicka prays on a sick child and what is happening is truly incredible, the visionary of Medjugorje who has the task of praying for the sick does so with so much love and dedication and with great faith.

Alessandro, the father of the little Dario, still tells how moved, even several months have passed since that fateful day, which is now impressed in his memory. At age 9, Dario shows uncommon symptoms in a healthy child of his age and worried his parents to take specific tests. The outcome of the exams is shocking comes the sentence, which no parent would ever want to hear.
In fact, the little Dario is suffering from a very rare form of heart cancer, which in some circumstances manifests itself only in the sudden death of the patient. There is a great risk of falling into utter despair, like giving a wrong to a parent who is about to lose his beloved child.
Not even medical science can help you, not even research, and then what’s left to you, if you do not hold on to everything you can. It is sad to think that since then you have to renounce the dearest and most precious person in your life. Thus began a long ordeal for the young Dario and the parents who leads them to wander throughout Europe in search of someone who can give him hope of life. But throughout Europe there are no clinics equipped to follow this very rare case, so there is nothing left but to cling to faith and prayer and it is not little.
Until one day a friend of the family talks to him about Medjugorje, in particular Vicka one of the visionaries who, illuminated by the Virgin Mary, prays precisely for the sick. When they arrive in Medjugorje they meet Vicka, who receives them in a small room and prays intensely on Dario, holding him close to her with so much love, at that moment we had a clear feeling that Our Lady was taking care of us.
Not even the fear of returning from Medjugorje that good news awaits them The region of Sicily is willing to pay the cost of € 400,000 needed to operate Dario in America. So once Dario arrives he is subjected to preliminary examinations in order to operate and once in the operating room he undergoes an open heart surgery. After only 4 hours of operation the surgeon at the head of the medical team interrupts the operation giving a shocking news: “There is no trace of the tumor, as if there had never been, I have nothing to operate the child is healthy”

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