Monday, December 18, 2017

Muffin with nutella

Image result for Alphonse Ratisbonne photo St.andrea delle fratte romeImage result for Alphonse Ratisbonne photo St.andrea delle fratte romeImage result for Alphonse Ratisbonne photo St.andrea delle fratte rome
Yesterday evening I was at Holy Mass at the Altar of the Miracle, at the  church of San Andrea della Fratte,Rome, where the Jewish financier Alphonse Ratisbonne converted into the Catholic Church.He saw an apparition of Our Lady and then became a priest and missionary.
The Mass was offered by a newly ordained priest of the Legion of Christ from Spain.There was also a stall of Radio Maria and a volunteer made a 30 second appeal after Mass.
Many tourists were walking in and out of the Church and there  was no intensity of worship among the priests and people in the sense that they were comfortable and compromised.
The Legion of Christ priests would not be there if they had affirmed Feeneyite EENS and Vatican Council II.
Image result for Alphonse Ratisbonne photo St.andrea delle fratte romeImage result for Alphonse Ratisbonne photo St.andrea delle fratte rome
The Minim Fathers, including the Parish Priest Father Francesco Trebisonda, would not be there if he said that the Church teaches that all these Muslims who were passing in and out of the church (and pretending to pray),yesterday evening  were on the way to Hell.They needed to converted into the Church with 'faith and baptism'(Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes 7). According to Vatican Council II(AG 7,LG 14) their religion and that of the Jews was not a path to salvation.            
So Fr. Francesco and the Minim Fathers last evening looked after their life and religious career.Everything was safe and comfortable.They could go ahead with a simple ritual.No tension or threat.They have not really given their life to Christ fully.Of course they were consecrated.But they had their particular practical conditions.
Now what if there was a group of Catholics, a small group, with a Catholic priest doing mission knowing all non Catholics with no exception in Rome in 2017-2018 are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Church? What if they came to the Altar of the Miracles.They would have to sit in the back pews in the corner near the door for a secret Mass known only to the group.
They would be affirming Vatican Council II and EENS without the premise  and so their life would be in danger.Try and imagine the intensity of their faith, the gift of the grace they would naturally be given.Since they have completely put their life at stake for Jesus and the Church.There the Mass would be intense and real! It would be like it was for the Early Christians(Catholics) during persecution.This is how it is today in some Islamic and Communist countries.
But today things are easy for the Legion of Mary priests since false doctrine is being taught at their seminary and universities in Rome.They have compromised and so could attend the superficial and polite Mass, in which Jesus sincerely re-enacts his unbloody Sacrifice in an unbloody way, and suffers.He takes upon Himself the present real sins of the world,including theirs and mine.
Image result for Fr.Livio Fanzaga. Radio Maria PhotosImage result for Fr.Livio Fanzaga. Radio Maria PhotosImage result for Fr.Livio Fanzaga. Radio Maria Photos
Yesterday evening I was given  a brochure with the smiling face of Fr.Livio Fanzaga. Radio Maria and the Legion of Christ removed Roberto dei Mattei and Corrado Gnerre from their services since they were probably not 'falling in line'.But neither Mattei nor Gnerre today affirm Vatican Council II and EENS  without the premise.They had the chance many times to do so. I was there to remind them. Probably they did not want to put at risk their teaching job at the Legion of Christ university and their programs on Radio Maria. Now they have lost both. They also lost a chance to proclaim the Catholic faith without the present compromise of the pro-Medugorje, Radio Maria.
Fr. Livio knows that even at Medugorje the seers do not affirm Vatican Council II and EENS without the nonsensical premise. Mirjana says that Our Lady says do not judge. Of course we do not judge with our particular human judgement. We are no body in this sense. But with the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church, guided by the Holy Spirit we can judge that all non Catholics are on the way to Hell with no known exceptions known to us human beings.
This is not said by the visionaries at Medugorje today.
If the visionaries at Medugorje approved a Catholic Vatican Council II and EENS with Feeneyite theology; without the irrational premise, then they would meet the same fate as the formerly approved apparitions of Edson Glauber in Brazil.It seemed as if Our Lady was saying things in Brazil which she could not say at Medugorje.
Edson Glauber is now silenced.
Image result for Photo of Edson Glauber with Don MinutellaImage result for Photo of Edson Glauber with Don Minutella
In the past the Brazilian visionary would tell us that his apparitions are a continuation of Medugorje. He would speak about the need to follow the authentic magisterium of the Church... He was also invited to Palermo, Italy by Father Alessander Minutella.The new archbishop at Palermo Corrado Lorefice objected to this.Fr. Minutella has been suspended and excommunicated. 
  Image result for Photo of muffin with nutella
Without traditional theology and doctrine you do not have a Catholic Church but you have a muffin with nutella. That was the image that was there yesterday evening at the church of San Andrea della Fratte.-Lionel Andrades                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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