Thursday, December 28, 2017

Only the Catholic Church - 4

Go out on Mission from door to door, do Street Evangelisation,proclaim the Faith, follow the Great Commission,Jesus gave you.
Tell people they must repent, ask Jesus for forgiveness and go for Confession if they are Catholics.Tell them to repent and change their life style of sin and get baptized in the Catholic Church if they are not Catholics.Tell them to accept the popes and follow their teachings if they are in harmony with Tradition and the other popes.
Tell them even if a pope is a heretic or a bad example as a heretical pope , outside the Church there is no salvation and Jesus is present in the Eucharist as a person in his true Divinity.Tell them that the Mass is the Supreme Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, re-enacted in an un-bloody way.
Tel them to get baptized with water immediately and to follow Jesus by reading the Bible daily. Tell them to attend Mass daily and go for Confession if they have committed mortal sins.-Lionel Andrades

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