Saturday, December 2, 2017

Our Lady told Lucia at Fatima things would be clear in 1960 and the dogma of the faith would be lost :magisterial apostasy is clear for me

Image result for Photo Sr.Lucia with Cardinal Bertone
When Our Lady at Fatima told Lucia that things would be clear in 1960 and so the Third Secret should be opened at that time, it was because in 1960 the Catholic Church had officially accepted that invisible cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) were visible exceptions 'to the dogma faith'.So with 'the dogma of the faith' out of the way and the excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney still not lifted,there was a theological opening for the new ecumenism,salvation for non Christians in their religion-defacto and the rejection of the Proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King with alleged known salvation outside the Church that had become practical exceptions to EENS.This was the new theology based upon an objective error( invisible baptism of desire is visible) which within five years (1965) the magisterium would approve in the text of Vatican Council II.
This was confirmed in Our Lady's prophecy when she said that the dogma of the faith will be lost except in Portugal.So may be at some future time in Portugal they will affirm EENS, as it was understood by the missionaries and magisterium of the 16th century.
With the rejection of the dogma EENS in 1960 the old exclusivist ecclesiology, which was based upon EENS was replaced with magisterial heresy.
Image result for Photo Sr.Lucia with Cardinal BertoneImage result for Photo Sr.Lucia with Cardinal Bertone
Pope Benedict XVI and Cardinal Bertone then officially approved what has now developed into wide spread magisterial apostasy with the Church's teachings changed on mission, ecumenism, other religions and salvation, pluralism without the Proclamation of the Social Reign, a new ecclesiology, new salvation theology,canon law to support the apostasy...
Image result for Photo Pope benedict at Fatima
So what Pope Benedict and Cardinal Bertone had to officially state on Fatima has left many questions answered when we see how they have compromised the faith and did not correct the errors, in theology and doctrine, when they had the opportunity.Perhaps on Fatima too they had to get the approval of the Vatican-Israel Commission and the synagogue of Satan which encourages this apostasy in the Church.
Pope Benedict who told the Chief Rabbinate of Israel that Jews do not need to convert in the present times and Cardinal Bertone who assured the rabbinate  in a letter of the belief of Catholics in Jesus without the necessity of being a member of the Catholic Church for salvation, were both doing in a subtle way what Pope Francis is doing openly today. 
Image result for Photo Chris Ferrara traditionalist
In the communication/debate between Hoffman and Ferrara 1 the point brought out strongly for me is that the Vatican could have hidden the truth about what Our Lady really told Lucia.The deception was there at the Vatican even before 1960.The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 upon which Vatican Council II is based could have been 'doctored'.At Fatima Our Lady was brief but in her messages to Fr. Stefano Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests she is elaborate.We can fill in the blanks while reading this book.
Image result for Photo Stefano Gobbi of the MarianImage result for Photo Stefano Gobbi of the Marian
Our Lady tells Fr. Gobbi(1970s) that there will be an apostasy in the Church and it will be there from 'the top'.
Image result for Photo Cardinal LadariaImage result for Photo Cardinal Ladaria
Even today after sending so many e-mails to Ladaria,Pozzo and Augustine di Noia  they are not willing to say that there are two interpretations of Vatican Council II.One interpretation is rational and the other irrational. They are promoting the irrational version.-Lionel Andrades


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