Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Pope Benedict had given up the Church's necessity for salvation with his use of a false premise, Vatican Council has not done so.

During the pontificate of Pope John Paul II there were photos of Indian nuns in Rome published in the anti-Cathoic La Repubblica. Opposition to foreign sisters was part of the policy of the Left. They were opposed to foreign sisters working in the Church in Italy.Their aim is to destroy the Church.
Then Pope Francis announced that foreign sisters should not come here. He was also opposed to bringing foreign religious to Italy to support religious communities.He was probably following instruction.
 So for him when there were few religious in a community  the community should be closed down. Even though there were many vocations in Asia, the community should be closed and the religious not invited to Europe. So he was following the instructions of the Masons. Also when he refers to 'triumphalism' this was the catchword of the Masons and their supporters within the Catholic Church.
Now Pope Francis supports migration on a big scale into Europe.This has been part of the long time agenda of the the Left.  The Left is from Satan. Satan will always be opposed to Jesus and the His Church outside of which there is no salvation.
So Pope Francis supports non Catholics coming as migrants to Italy but not Catholic religious from Asia and Africa since he has to follow the Left who are in power in Italy.He does this to preserve the Vatican and to save his life.May be he also believes in many of the Leftist aims.
Neither of the two popes want to be martyrs.
So when in 2016 Pope Benedict 'broke his silence' and announced that extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century, since there was a development with Vatican Council II, he was probably told to make that important annoncement. He asked in his charachteristic way what was the purpose of mission when there was known salvation outside the Church. He was acting on cue.
In the past too under pressure from the Jewish Left he said that the Revised Good Friday Prayer was not for the conversion of the Jews and so Jews did not have to convert.At other times he said there would be no mission to the Jews.

Why convince people of accepting the Christian faith even if they can be saved without it- Pope Benedict,Avvenire, 2016
Imagine a pope having to state that  a defined dogma of the Church was rejected and that the past magisterium of the pope was no more accepted  and all this was done by assuming invisible cases of the baptism of desire were visible exceptions to the dogma EENS.An irrationality was used to contradict the authentic magisterium of the past.A false premise was used to oppose the teachings of the Holy Spirit in the past.
He is not referring to the Catholic faith but the Christian faith and suggests that people can be saved outside the Church as if he knew of someone  personally.
Then he has also approved joint mission programs with the Protestants. Again, this would be important for the new one world religion with a new image of Jesus and the Catholic Church.He was receiving dictation and was implementing it as a pope.
He had given up the Church's necessity for salvation with the use of his false premise, Vatican Council has not done so.-Lionel Andrades.

Image result for Photo of Cushingite heresy

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