Monday, December 4, 2017

Vatican has no objections

The Vatican (CDF/Ecclesia Dei) has no objections.All religious communities can affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the past ecclesiology of the Catholic Church, along with Vatican Council II(premise free) and meet the doctrinal requirements for canonical status in the Catholic Church.This is the condition set for the SSPX.
They have no objections to Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) in which hypothetical cases Lumen Gentium 16,Unitatis Redintigratio 3,Nostra Aetate 2 etc are interpreted as being hypothetical.They are possibilities known only to God.
So they are not exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS and the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.Vatican Council II is not a rupture with EENS according to the 16th century missionaries.This rational interpretation of Vatican Council II with a non traditional conclusion is accepted by the CDF for a canonical recognition of the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX).
Formal announcements have only to be made by the SSPX and the Vatican.
In the past it was said that the SSPX could not accept the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church ; the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.       
When it was asked,'why ?',it would be said that 'Vatican Council II contradicts the past ecclesiology.'
When it was asked,'Where ?',it was  said, 'Lumen Gentium 16 for example.'
'How does Lumen Gentium 16 contradict EENS' it was asked of them?
They would reply, 'there are people saved invincible ignorance outside the Church, without faith and baptism.'
'So in other words these are known people saved outside the Church, you can name them?'
There is no answer.
Or they would say that 'possibilites in the past are known exceptions to the dogma EENS in the present times(2017)'.
This is irrational.
Now the Vatican has not contradicted reports which affirm Vatican Council II without the unknown- people- are- known premise.This premise-free interpretation of Vatican Council II is not a rupture with EENS and the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.-Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 3, 2017

Repost : No denial from Cardinal Ladaria, CDF : schism from the Left over Vatican Council II

DECEMBER 2, 2017

Image result for Photo r.Alessandro M Minutella

Fr.Alessandro M. Minutella and laity in Palermo could contact a Catholic judge for guidance

DECEMBER 1, 2017

The lex orandi lex credendi of Catholics today is based on irrational Cushingite theology.The Feeneyite alternative is ignored by all.

 NOVEMBER 29, 2017

No denial from Cardinal Ladaria and Bishop Fellay : two interpretations of Vatican Council II and theirs is the irrational one

NOVEMBER 27, 2017
Ask Cardinal Ladaria a few questions when you meet him

 NOVEMBER 26, 2017

The Social Reign of Christ the King can be seen based on Cushingite or Feeneyite theology, Vatican Council II with the false premise or without it.

DECEMBER 3, 2017

Repost : No denial from Cardinal Ladaria, CDF : schism from the Left over Vatican Council II

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