Thursday, December 21, 2017

We now have two interpretations of the Council and the MICM communities are choosing the irrational, non traditional and heretical one.

Image result for Photo of  Fr.Leonard Feeney with Catherine Goddard Clarke
The Slaves of the Immaculate of Mary are being persecuted by the Left and so they do not affirm Vatican Council II(Feeneyite).Instead they approve the diocesan Vatican Council II(Cushingite) which is a rupture with extra ecclesiam nulla salus(Feeneyite).According to the Decree of the diocese of Worcester,USA, in October 2017,this is 'the authentic magisterium of the Church '.The St. Benedict Center, Still River, MA., has the permission to teach it.
The Priors in the dioceses of Worcester and Manchester are recognized by their bishops since they do not affirm Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) in harmony with EENS (Feeneyite).Instead they teach Vatican Council II(Cushingite), which is  'the authentic magisterium', for Bishop Robert J.McManus  and which is a rupture with Tradition including  EENS(Feeneyite).
The two Priors, Brother Thomas Augustine MICM and Brother Andre Marie MICM, know all this  but they will not announce that LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II can only be hypothetical references.They are not references to actual people, known people in our life time.So they are not exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. This interpretation of Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) has the hermeneutic of continuity with the past.They  may be not permitted by the diocese though to interpret Vatican Council II with the hermeneutic of continuity.So Vatican Council (Cushingite) with the irrational premise(invisible cases of LG 16 are visible) is taught to students at the St. Benedict schools and is part of the theology and other on line courses.
They also accept and interpret Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus  with traditional Cushingite theology.The Cushingite reasoning is extended to the interpretation of the Nicene Creed.This is all modernism and it is obligatory for the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary(MICM) to endorse all of it, if they want to be recognized by modernist bishops in New England- and they seek that recognition.
The MICM do not object when the bishops and their Curia in Worcester and Manchester use a false premise  to interpret magisterial documents. It's no problem for them when an entire diocese is irrational.
We must give the St. Benedict Centers credit for holding on to the truth about the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus all these years in spite of persecution , within and outside the Church.They have made many sacrifices as traditionalists to defend the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation.They also did not fall for the false interpretation on salvation made by those who have had their formation under Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. 
If Archbishop Lefebvre and the popes  would have known about Vatican Council II( without the premise) the Council would not have become the issue it is today.We now have two interpretations of the Council and the MICM communities are choosing the irrational, non traditional and heretical one.-Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 21, 2017

Priors at the St.Benedict Centers,USA promote Cushingism instead of the Feeneyism of the founders of the community

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