Sunday, January 21, 2018

Angels and Dragons IV: St. Michael’s Protection - Deacon Guadlapue Rodriguez

Angels and Dragons IV: St. Michael’s Protection


September 29th is the Feast Day of the Archangels. With the evil and cataclysmic events occurring in the world, surely it is time for St. Michael the Archangel to arise…
“At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a TIME OF DISTRESS such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people…will be delivered.” (Dan. 12:1)

In this article I share my true life experiences in law enforcement, under the protection and care of St. Michael the Archangel, so that people everywhere may discover him in these turbulent times. My experiences with “St. Michael and his angels” (Rev. 12:7) are strictly in the darkness of faith through feelings, signs, and dreams. I have never seen or heard him, but as St. Faustina writes in her diary about what St. Michael said, “’The Lord has ordered me to take special care of you. Know that you are hated by evil; but do not fear – ‘Who is like God!’ And he disappeared. But I feel his presence and assistance.” [706]


As an officer, I felt so protected and had such a devotion to St. Michael that I would wear his pin on my uniform. One time I felt divinely inspired to enlarge an image of him from a holy card to a 4’ X 6’ poster. It took 6 trips to the print shop and the frame store traveling 180 miles round trip to finally get it done. It was as if, “the evil one,” (1Jn. 5:19) was causing the computer, printer, and the frame to malfunction (tear, crinkle the new image, form air bubbles, etc.).

When it was finished, I got our priest to privately bless it, and hung it in our home so that I could ask for his intercession since it was dangerous work. With St. Michael’s assistance, millions of dollars’ worth of drugs were taken off the street, but there was also the spiritual warfare component as drugs are often ritually cursed against anyone who gets in the way of their destination.


One day I sat and had coffee with a group of 5 or 6 law enforcement officers from different agencies. One of them had turned to the dark side and surprisingly inquired with a witch about the next local election. He notified us that the witch didn’t really know who would win but that it would be a close race; however, the witch did tell him, “There is an officer with you all who has a giant picture of St. Michael. No one can touch him. He is under the protection of St. Michael.”
They knew nothing about the picture so I quickly got up and left praying to St. Michael since the foretelling was like when St. Paul encounters, “a slave girl who had an evil spirit of divination…” (Act. 16:16)
St Michael Painting by John Cobb


An example of St. Michael’s protection is a dream that I had in which I am in a police car chase at high speed. All of a sudden something breaks in the front wheel area, and I lose control rolling over many times to my death. The dream was so vivid that I went to a mechanic and asked him if he believed in dreams. He said, “You bet.” I tell him about my dream, and he looks underneath my car.
He looks at me in disbelief, and he tells me that several important pieces are broken and that only by a miracle the whole front end has not fallen off at a major bump or when I travel at high speed. I truly believe this life-saving dream was like when, “the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream,” (Matt. 2:13) to save the child’s life from Herod.


Another example of St. Michael’s dramatic intervention was a traffic stop on a dully pickup pulling a long flatbed trailer. This vehicle was traveling with other vehicles in front and behind it. It was a convoy, and the other vehicles are known as decoys as their job is to attract attention by speeding up or driving erratically.

On this day it was the easiest traffic stop and arrest as the decoy vehicles never engaged and all went very smooth. Surprisingly, the drug load was worth over 2 million dollars.
When the man was taken in for questioning the investigator asked why he didn’t make a run for it as many do. He responded that he was surrounded by cops. “They were all over!” “Where would I go if I ran?” The investigator looked at me and asked who was there. I responded, “There were no cops. I was 30 miles away from backup.” The man became angry thinking that I was lying and blurted out, “We were all surrounded. I am serious! There was nowhere to go!”
What did the man and the decoy vehicles see that day? I believe they saw “St. Michael and his angels” (Rev. 12:7) dressed as policemen as when, “Elisha prayed, ‘Open his eyes, Lord so that he may see’….then he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire [angels] all around Elisha.” (2Kings 6:17)


A fourth example is when I arrested three men that carried ½ a million worth of drugs every week, and they went jail for many years. When the leader was about to be released, there were pending charges in another county, and I was asked to transport him. When I placed him in my police car, he said, “You are the best and worst thing that has happened to me. The worst thing because I had to do a lot of time in jail, and the best thing because I found the Lord in jail. On the day you caught us, my men were ready to kill you. We had done this before, and we never hesitate because we are professionals. On that day, I hesitated, I got confused,… something didn’t let me do it plus fear entered me. I gave the order to my men not to kill you because you might be a great marksman.”
I am convinced that St. Michael acted, for angels can place a thought or image as when scripture says, “I will send My fear ahead of you and throw into confusion…all your enemies,” (Ex. 23:27) as the nearest officer was 25 minutes away.


There are many other examples where St. Michael and his angels warned me in dreams to the point of showing me faces and events ahead of time. Other times they divinely inspired me on what to do, as when two inmates escaped from prison in another county. The inmates stole a car, and when they were stopped by an officer, they shot him and fled the scene. An alert went out and thirty minutes later I ran into them in their car, but I sensed in my heart someone [St. Michael] saying to wait for backup until a roadblock was set up, as when scripture says, “Behold I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.” (Ex. 23:20) At the roadblock seeing all the officers and the helicopter, the inmates peacefully gave up their weapons, and they were arrested.


Finally, God is a faithful Father to all His children, and He is ready to send His angels most especially when one goes to daily mass and adoration to ask for His protection, “For He will give His angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways.” (Ps. 91:11) As for the miraculous picture of St. Michael, it hangs in a hidden cave dedicated to St. Michael where mass is celebrated. It was my way of thanking and honoring St. Michael for saving my life many times, or as Pope Francis explains, “St. Michael defends the People of God from their enemies and above all from the arch-enemy par excellence the devil.” THE END

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