Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Ann Barnhardt still uses Cushingite theology like the other traditionalists


Extract from

Starting Wednesday Off Right: Baptism of Desire Edition by Ann Barnhardt

Ann Barnhardt:
So, what do you think?  St. Emerentiana had not yet been baptized.  Was she saved?  The Church says, “Yes!” St. Emerentiana is, in fact, a virgin martyr.  She is an example of what is called The Baptism of Desire, and also in this case because she was murdered for her faith, Baptism of Blood.  She had the faith.  She loved Our Lord and His Holy Catholic Church.  She was actively in the process of being catechized so that she could receive the Sacraments of Initiation.  She wasn’t just a “nice person” who nebulously “tried to live a good life”. She was specifically in the process of entering The One True Church.  And since Our Lord is a Person, and not an impersonal legal code or philosophy, and since Our Lord is not a jerk, and is not limited by His Own Sacraments, He can do what He wants, which is ALWAYS perfectly JUST and MERCIFUL.
Lionel: The possibility of someone being saved with the baptism of desire is not being denied by this Feeneyite, Lionel Andrades.There are many reports on this blog to confirm it.One does not have to be a Feeneyite to deny the baptism of desire.I affirm the baptism of desire (implicit ) and the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS, the Feeneyite version.It does not have to be an either-or issue. For Ann it is either the baptism of desire or extra ecclesiam nulla salus .She infers that the baptism of desire refers to known people saved without the baptism of water.Otherwise how would it be relevant to Feeneyite EENS?

There are no known cases of the baptism of desire for me. I cannot meet any one saved as such. No one saw St.Emerentiana physically saved. So if there are no physically visible or known cases, then there are no exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. There are no examples of salvation outside the Church. This is the point Ann Barnhardt will not address.Why? I don't know.

Now, there is a heresy floating around that was invented by a priest in the 20th century, a Fr. Leonard Feeney, who fell under the influence of… wait for it… a woman, that is called “Feeneyism”.
Lionel: He was only repeating what the Church Councils taught about no salvation outside the Church. They did not suggest like Ann, that invisible cases of the baptism of desire are visible exceptions to EENS.This would be irrational.

  Nearly all Trad Catholic bloggers are spammed by, and often times calumniated by a very sad man who is a Feeneyite heretic.  I suspect that this chap, who I will not name, because that would just be throwing gas on the flames of his disorder, is not quite altogether mentally right, as he is completely obsessed with the Feeneyite heresy, and seems to suffer from a total lack of self-awareness and delusions of grandeur.  One of the symptoms of these mental disorders that I have noticed over the years of my internet notoriety, such as it is, from what might be called low-grade Asperger’s all the way up to full-blown paranoid schizophrenia, is that the people in question are utterly convinced that the entire universe is hanging on their every word.  It never occurs to them that the reason no one responds to them is because no one is paying attention.  It never occurs to them that people simply block them, send their emails to the spam folder or to auto-delete, and that they are being ignored.  Again, this is another negative aspect of the internet – it feeds and amplifies not only narcissism, but also mental illness.
Lionel:This low grade Asperger has been using his time and energy to make Ann see that hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire cannot be visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in the time of St. Emerentiana, St. Victor, in 1949 when the Letter of the Holy Office  was issued and at Vatican Council II(1965).So there can be two interpretations of Vatican Council II and hers is the irrational one.
But this is a tough one. It doesn't get through.
The heresy of Feeneyism revolves around the doctrine of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (EENS), which means, “Outside The Church There Is No Salvation”.
Lionel: Later in this post Ann will say that she believes there is no salvation outside the Church and yet for her the baptism of desire is relevant to EENS and is an exception.
  Feeneyites argue, very unsuccessfully, that God Almighty is, in fact, limited by His Own Sacraments, and that it is completely impossible for someone who never received Water Baptism to be saved.  So what do Feeneyites say about not just St. Emerentiana, but the other saints that The Church has lifted to the altar? namely, Saints Victor, Rhais and Hericlides, who were all catechumens, and even an unnamed soldier in England during the reign of Diocletian who was converted by St. Alban as the soldier was escorting St. Alban to his execution.  The soldier was thus executed with St. Alban, and The Church thus holds this soldier, St. Alban’s companion, as having been Baptized By Blood.
Lionel : They can be accepted in faith, with good will as speculation.Physically no one could have seen them in Heaven without the baptism of water in the Catholic.
A possibility, speculation, cannot be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in 2018.
So assuming these people named are in Heaven there is no way of saying this has anything to do with the dogma EENS in 2018. We cannot say that there were 20 cases of the baptism of desire this year without the baptism of water or there were three last year. So they cannot be exceptions to EENS.
The Feeneyites tend to stare at their shoes, and then mumble something about these people being “baptized by the angels”. 
Lionel: Even if they are baptized by the angels and are saved they are unknown to us earth. They are 'zero cases'. How can zero cases be exceptions or relevant to EENs?
 Well, we can see where this leads.  If the angels come down and baptize with water, then why don’t the angels baptize babies that are about to be murdered by abortion?  And if the angels DO preternaturally baptize babies with water, then why, exactly shouldn’t a woman murder her own child – after all, if the angels swoop down and “baptize” the child, the child goes instantly to heaven, right?  So, yeah, the heresy of Feeneyism leads very quickly to abortion being the greatest act of love and mercy a woman can do for her child.  Murder the child and guarantee it heaven.  Because, folks, ALL HERESIES, BECAUSE THEY ARE BASED ON A FALSE BASE PREMISE, INEVITABLY LEAD TO TOTAL INVERSION. Some heresies only take one or two logical steps to end up at child murder or the like, while some are more subtle and take a few more logical steps, but they ALL end up in hell.  There is only One Truth, and this is why Our Lord said, “Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!”
If you would like to read more about the doctrine of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, which is so critical, and which is openly denied today by Antipope Bergoglio and the rest of the Freemasonic infiltrators of The Church, I wrote a piece a while back that tries to explain it a bit
Lionel: I wrote a comment on this piece of hers and even posted it on Gloria TV to get her attention but obviously it was not understood.The false premise is still being used by Ann Barnhardt.This is a rupture between faith and reason.It violates the Principle of Non Contradiction.
 In contemporary parlance, the denial of EENS is called the heresy of “Universalism” and “Indifferentism”.
Lionel: It is denied when she suggests that the baptism of desire refers to known cases and so is an exception to EENS.
It is denied when she interprets Vatican Council II with LG 16 etc as referring to known people saved outside the Church( even when there are no such cases known to her) and so Vatican Council II because a rupture with Tradition, with EENS and the Syllabus of Errors.
It is denied by her ....
  Long story short, of course there is no salvation outside The Church. 
Lionel: LOL
 Heaven is The Church Triumphant, that is all the angels and saints INDWELLING inside The Triune Godhead, eternally adoring God “from the inside”, offering the endless Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving.  There is no domain of heaven outside of this.  There is certainly no “Hindu heaven” or “Buddhist heaven” or “Protestant heaven” or “atheist heaven”.  Everyone in heaven is Catholic, because the Catholic Church, Triumphant, is The Father’s House of Many Mansions.
Lionel: But if St.Emerentiana was saved without the baptism of water and with the baptism of desire then it means that this is possible for others too.
So a Muslim could also be saved with the baptism of desire or invincible ignorance and so there is known salvation outside the Church for non Catholics too? This is the reasoning of Bishop Robert Barror. It is the logical outcome of Ann Barnhardt's Cushingite theology.
So a Hindu  does not need to convert.There is also the Anonymous Christian of Karl Rahner and the Catechism of Cardinal Ratzinger(1994) indicates all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church(CCC 846).So how can Ann still say, like me, that there is no salvation outside the Church. Cushingite theology which she unknowingly uses says there is salvation outside the Church. The baptism of desire is an example of salvation outside the Church.Her blog post confirms it.
Pope Benedict said in March 2016 that  EENS is no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century. He is a Cushingite like Ann Barnhardt and other traditionalists.
-Lionel Andrades

Starting Wednesday Off Right: Baptism of Desire Edition

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