Thursday, January 18, 2018

Archbishop: Up to 10,000 Catholics leaving Bosnia-Herzegovina each year because of discrimination

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Who is doing the discriminating? Bosnia-Herzegovina is 51% Muslim, and 15% Catholic. And Islamic law contains no societal model whereby Muslims and non-Muslims live together with equal rights. But Archbishop Puljić dares not spell out what is happening, lest he run afoul of his relentlessly Islamopandering boss in Rome.
“Up to 10,000 Catholics are leaving Bosnia-Herzegovina every year because of discrimination, Archbishop reveals,” European Post, January 5, 2018:
Up to 10,000 Catholics are leaving Bosnia-Herzegovina every year because of state discrimination against the religious minority, according to the country’s cardinal Vinko Puljić, Archbishop of Vrhbosna, denounced during an interview with the Pontificial foundation Aid to the Church in Need.
He told ACN that the ongoing haemorrhaging was a legacy of the 1992-95 war that caused at least 250,000 of the faithful – around half the country’s Catholics – to become refugees.
“The Dayton Accords were not implemented in practice, and those who suffered most were the Catholic Croat minority. It is harder for them to defend their basic rights. (…) There are no equal rights for them in those areas where the Catholic minority finds itself in the midst of a majority of the other ethnic groups. This discrimination is expressed in political and administrative terms and above all where employment is concerned.”

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