Sunday, January 21, 2018

Canada's Prime Minister lies about abortion being a right: it's not

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau deceives Canadians
Groups and religious organizations that want to receive grants from Canada's federal government for summer jobs must now support "women's reproductive rights," which is a euphemism for abortion. Those that don't give a Liberal yes to intentionally killing the unborn get no funding. Canada's Liberal government is forcing pro-life Canadians to reject their views and say that they believe in the government pro-death ideology. The government is bribing Canadians with their own money to make them deny their values and consciences. Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he is taking this position to defend people rights. This is hardly the case.

Trudeau cannot have it both ways. He cannot claim to protect the rights of Canadians and then discriminate against those who don't support abortion. Trudeau argues, “An organization that has as its stated goal to remove rights from Canadians, to remove the right that women have fought for to determine what happens to their own bodies, is not in line with where the Charter is or where the government of Canada is. Certainly there is no obligation by the government of Canada to fund organizations that are determined to remove rights that have been so long fought for by women." Trudeau is being dishonest in saying that he's defending the right of all Canadians and lies about abortion being a right.

There are two serious flaws in Trudeau's position. One is that he's not treating Canadians fairly and just. Second, he misleads Canadians about abortion rights. There is no law in Canada that makes abortion a right. There is no international agreement or law that states that abortion is a right. Trudeau simply lies when he tells Canadians that there are "women's reproductive rights." This just isn't true.

The employment minister Patty Hajdu also tried to cover for Trudeau by saying that funding would be denied to all Christian organizations but only those that don't support abortion. Where is the fairness? Christian groups exist because they believe in being pro-life. Hajdu like Trudeau wants Christians to betray their own beliefs should they wish to receive government grants. This is not democratic. The last time we checked Christians paid taxes and so have a right to public funds like any other organization. After all, Christians don't get a say in having their tax money not being spent to do abortions.

Hajdu and Trudeau don't even know, or to get votes pretend not to know, that Canada has no law about abortion. The minister too claims that abortion is a right that women have and refers to the Supreme Court of Canada's landmark 1988 Morgentaler decision. Hajdu forgets that the court decision didn't give women a right to abortion, but left the matter to Parliament to come up with legislation to protect the unborn child. Sadly, since 1988 Canadian governments have refused to touch the issue. So, unborn babies in Canada continue to killed up to the time of birth because we have no law. One is not a person in Canada until the baby is born.

So, there is no constitutional right to abortion in Canada. When Trudeau and Hajdu claim otherwise they are lying and playing politics. But both politicians have no problem spreading this lie and using it to virtue signal and push the Liberal propaganda on abortion. 

The Liberal government wants Canadians to think that those who don't back a "woman's right to choose" are breaking some non-existent law, and thus are less worthy of being Canadian. Pro-life groups aren't good enough to be part of the Liberal "inclusion and diversity" tent. And if this means you have tell lies to make Christians look like criminals, then go ahead and do it. It's all part of Liberal governing through doublespeak. 

What the Liberals are doing is wrong. Real diversity and inclusion would mean that pro-life groups can disagree with the government's policies but equally qualify for government programs that offer funding. Not even the Liberals can get away with making up laws to suit their deceptive purposes. You can't fool all Canadians. The Liberals have embraced a very dangerous precedent. Prime Minister Trudeau you have no clothes.

We end this post, with the refreshing pro-life speech made by President Donald Trump at the March for Life held in Washington D. C., today. Do you think Trudeau was watching?

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