Saturday, January 13, 2018

Cardinal Parolin agrees Amoris Laetitia is a break with the past : new moral theology

Vatican Cardinal: Amoris Laetitia arose from Pope’s ‘new paradigm’ for Catholic Church

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VATICAN CITY, January 12, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Vatican's Secretary of State Pietro Cardinal Parolin stated that Pope Francis’ teaching on marriage and the family found in his 2016 controversial exhortation Amoris Laetitia arose from the Pope’s “new paradigm” for the Catholic Church.  
Cardinal Parolin stated that “ultimately Amoris Laetitia arose from a new paradigm that Pope Francis is carrying out with wisdom, prudence and even patience.” He made the comment in an interview with Alessandro Gisotti of Vatican News, the Holy See’s “new information system.” 
The Pope’s exhortation plunged the Church into a crisis over its apparent contradiction of Catholic teaching concerning divorce and remarriage. Specifically, the exhortation has been interpreted by leading bishops and cardinals as allowing Catholics in a second “marriage” who are committing adultery to receive Holy Communion.
Last September, over 60 Catholic clergy and lay scholars from around the world issued what they called a “Filial Correction” to Pope Francis for “propagating heresy.”
When asked why the exhortation caused such a heated confrontation, the cardinal responded: “Probably the difficulties that have arisen and still exist in the Church are due, in addition to some aspects of the content, to this change in attitude that the Pope asks of us.”
“A change in paradigm, inherent in the text itself, that is asked of us: this new spirit, this new approach!” he added.

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