Sunday, January 21, 2018

Catholic religious have to fake it to get a degree from a secular or pontifical university in Rome

Today morning an African Catholic Sister Sat near me on the Metro train and I handed her a pamphlet 1.
She read the first page and lamely said that she did not know English!
I called her attention to the second page which she briefly looked through.
I told he she could give the copy to the other sisters or her Superior ,instead of giveing it back to me.
She said she was alone in Rome and was studying Canon Law at the Urbaniana Pontifical University Rome. She was afraid of taking this pamphlet there.
I told her that at Urbaniana they interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism, I pointed it out on the second page.
In the Middle Ages the Jesuits interpreted  magisterial documents with the theology of Feeneyism. I pointed it out on the pamphlet.There was no irrational premise used by them.
She said now they teach that salvation is open to all and that we cannot judge that any particular person will go to Hell.So I said that I personally cannot judge but the Church guided by the Holy Spirit teaches that all non Catholics, with no known exceptions, are on the way to Hell.This is the teaching of the Church.This is the teaching of Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7, Dominus Iesus 20 etc).So I know that every non Catholic whom I meet is on the way to Hell, unless he is incorporated into the Church as a member.I am interpreting Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents with Feeneyite theology. Invisible people are no considered as being visible and known in 2018.
They do not teach this now at the Urbaniana.The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in the past at Urbaniana, was based on John 3:5 which says every one needs the baptism of water and Mark 16:16, where Jesus says those who do not believe will be condemned.
Salvation in theory and potential is open to all, but to receive this salvation all need faith and baptism in the Catholic Church(Ad Gentes 7, Dominus Iesus 20).
I told her membership in the Catholic Church is the ordinary means of salvation with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14), this is the normal means of being saved. Being saved because one knows about the Church or does not know is known only to God(LG 14). It is not an exception to the traditional teaching.She was interpreting LG 14 with Cushingite theology.This was wrong.

Who are the people saved in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water and faith in 2018? None. We cannot know any such case.To assume that there are known cases would be Cushingite theology.
When I walked out of the train I was thinking of the  religious who are not comfortable with this truth and their careers are their priority.
It was the same experience with the Legion of Christ priests at the University Pontifical Regina Apostolorum(APRA), Rome. They are teaching lies and errors in philosophy and theology.It is the same with the professors at the Urbaniana, Gregorian and Angelicum universities in Rome.The professors want to keep their teaching jobs and the students do not want to be sent home.The students get an academic degree and then teach the politically correct  new doctrines which are not controversial.So they maintain a false peace for themself.But there is a rupture with the past centuries. There is a rupture with Tradition.They do not want to use Feeneyite theology.
The professors ask the students/seminarians to choose between the baptism of desire(BOD) and extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This is Cushingite theology. Since only if there are known and visible baptism of desire cases would they be exceptions to EENS.Then it would be either the baptism of desire or the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.
However if those who are studying Canon Law for example would say that they affirm the baptism of desire and EENS together, since BOD refers to invisible and unknown people, the professors would not understand, or expect them to leave.
Even in the secular universities in Rome the Catholic students who have Church Canon Law as a minor or optional subject, have to use Cushingism as an interpretative theology.
So even if this Sister was a Feeneyite she would have to fake it to get a degree from a university in Rome, secular or pontifical.-Lionel Andrades

January 21, 2018
Pamphlet Copy : Are you a Catholic ? Check the blog Eucharist and Mission(Lionel's blog)

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