Monday, January 8, 2018

CDF Doctrinal Professio Fidei is a scandal

Pope Benedict XVI proposed heresy in March 2016 (Avvenire) and all priests have to support it or they accused under the CDF Doctrinal Professio Fidei. 1
[This commentary was issued coincident with the promulgation of “Ad tuendam fidem” by Pope John Paul II, modifying the Oriental and Latin codes of canon law.]

(1). From her very beginning, the Church has professed faith in the Lord, crucified and risen, and has gathered the fundamental contents of her belief into certain formulas. The central event of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, expressed first in simple formulas and subsequently in formulas that were more developed, made it possible to give life to that uninterrupted proclamation of faith, in which the Church has handed on both what had been received from the lips of Christ and from his works, as well as what had been learned “at the prompting of the Holy Spirit.”
Lionel: 'that uninterrupted proclamation of faith'.
Pope Benedict said in 2016 that EENS was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century. So there is no more an uninterrupted proclamation of faith.
(2). In the course of the centuries...Thus, before receiving Baptism, the catechumen must make his profession of faith.
Lionel: Now the catechumen must say that there is known salvation outside the Church while in the 16th century he had to say that there was no known salvation outside the Church.

(3). Christ’s promise to bestow the Holy Spirit, who “will guide you into all truth,”constantly sustains the Church on her way.
Lionel: Now the Holy Spirit teaches, according to Pope Benedict, that the Holy Spirit was wrong in the 16th century.
(3). Christ’s promise to bestow the Holy Spirit, who “will guide you into all truth,”constantly sustains the Church on her way. Thus, in the course of her history, certain truths have been defined as having been acquired though the Holy Spirit’s assistance and are therefore perceptible stages in the realization of the original promise. Other truths, however, have to be understood still more deeply before full possession can be attained of what God, in his mystery of love, wished to reveal to men for their salvation.

In recent times too, in her pastoral care for souls, the Church has thought it opportune to express in a more explicit way the faith of all time. In addition, the obligation has been established for some members of the Christian faithful, called to assume particular offices in the community in the name of the Church, to publicly make a profession of faith according to the formula approved by the Apostolic See.

Thus, in the course of her history, certain truths have been defined as having been acquired though the Holy Spirit’s assistance and are therefore perceptible stages in the realization of the original promise. Other truths, however, have to be understood still more deeply before full possession can be attained of what God, in his mystery of love, wished to reveal to men for their salvation.
Lionel: Now EENS has been developed by Vatican Council II according to Pope Benedict and so hypothetical cases must be interpreted as being known examples of salvation outside the Church in the present times(2016-2018). So there is a rupture with the dogma EENS and the old ecclesiology of the Church.

In recent times too, in her pastoral care for souls, the Church has thought it opportune to express in a more explicit way the faith of all time.
Lionel: It is now necessary to say explicitly that the Church Fathers were wrong on EENS and there is a new interpretation which all Catholics must accept, especially, those who hold responsible positions in the Church.

 In addition, the obligation has been established for some members of the Christian faithful, called to assume particular offices in the community in the name of the Church, to publicly make a profession of faith according to the formula approved by the Apostolic See.
Lionel: So in the Profession of Faith it must be held that the Church has changed its teachings on EENS and it is no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century.It is obligatory for all who hold a particular office in the Church to accept this 'developed' version of EENS, which would be heretical for the magisterium and missionaries in the 16th century.
 (4). This new formula of the Professio fidei restates the Nicene- Constantinopolitan Creed and concludes with the addition of three propositions or paragraphs intended to better distinguish the order of the truths to which the believer adheres. The correct explanation of these paragraphs deserves a clear presentation, so that their authentic meaning, as given by the Church’s Magisterium, will be well understood, received and integrally preserved.(Continued)
Lionel:  With the new premise (hypothetical cases are explicit) there is a new conclusion(there are explicit exceptions to the dogma EENS) and so with this new theology the Nicene Creed is re-interpreted, the dogma EENS is changed and so Vatican Council II has to be interpreted as a rupture with EENS as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century. This is heretical.
This is a false theology and irrational philosophy and it is being enforced by the Professio Fidei. This is the doctrinal nonsense that the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) has to accept for canonical recognition in the Church.

 This is the 'authentic meaning, as given by the Church’s Magisterium...and integrally preserved' !!!    -Lionel Andrades
January 8, 2018
CDF Doctrinal Commentary – Professio fidei is meaningless and heretical
January 7, 2018

So we are all in the same Church but the Profession of Faith does not have the same meaning



Image result for Photo of Cushingite heresy


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