Tuesday, January 16, 2018

EU boss calls Hungary and Poland “racist” and illiberal for refusing Muslim migrants

EU boss calls Hungary and Poland “racist” and illiberal for refusing Muslim migrants

Guy Verhofstadt, the President of the European Parliament, is accusing Poland and Hungary of being “illiberal” and working contrary to traditional values. He stated:
The European Union… was built to guarantee our citizens’ freedom, democracy and the rule of law.
All true, but Poland and Hungary are trying to preserve these values. It is the EU that has been bullying these noble countries into surrendering these values to Islamic supremacists. With that surrender comes chaos. Ever since Europe abandoned its reasoned practices of carefully restricted immigration in favor of suicidal open immigration policies, it has dealt with burgeoning crime, jihad attacks, infiltration by the Islamic State, returning Islamic State fighters, diminished freedom of speech, sharia courts in the UK, unstable economies, increasingly aggressive anti-Semitism, sharia patrols, no-go zones, and cultural practices unbefitting to democratic states.
Guy Verhofstadt is a confused man. He refers to Poland and Hungary’s “nationalist values” as “racist” for trying to protect traditions of “freedom, democracy and the rule of law.” He and others like him are disconcertingly reminiscent of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda. Goebbels worked from the dictum that if you keep telling a lie “big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
“EU Boss: ‘Illiberal’ Poland and Hungary Must Accept ‘EU Values’ or Leave, ‘Nationalist’ Values ‘Racist’”, by Liam Deacon, Breitbart, January 10, 2018:
The President of the European Parliament has told right-wing Hungary and Poland that they must accept liberal values or leave the bloc.
Guy Verhofstadt, who is also the parliament’s Brexit spokesman and leads its largest liberal bloc, said there was “no place” in the European Union (EU) for nations who elected right-wing governments to create “illiberal societies”.
“The European Union… was built to guarantee our citizens’ freedom, democracy and the rule of law. If the Hungarian and Polish governments want to build closed and illiberal societies, they must do it outside the EU,” he blasted Wednesday on Twitter.
Adding: “There is no place in our Union for countries who take EU money, who want to participate in the single market but who reject our shared values #ValuesFirst”
The rant on the social media platform continued, with Mr. Verhofstadt claiming that any mention of national identity was potentially bigoted.
“We should be wary of narratives based on the defence of so-called ‘national values’, which are used to mask racist hate campaigns fuelling anxiety against migrants and refugees,” he claimed.
Hungary and Poland are led by populist right-wing governments and have spearheaded a resistance to the EU’s migrant relocation scheme, which was forced through the EU Parliament despite their opposition in September 2015.
The unelected European Commission, the EU’s executive branch, has also attacked Poland for altering its judicial system so that some members are appointed by the elected government, claiming the move violates the “rule of law”.
EU bosses have subsequently threatened political and financial “consequences” unless Hungary and Poland accept more migrants.
In March, however, Poland’s then-Prime Minister Beata Szydło hit back, declaring that “the Visegrad group, including Poland, will never agree to blackmail.” Meanwhile, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has said his country has a migration policy and does not “plan on replacing it”.-Jihad Watch

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