Monday, January 29, 2018

Fr.John Zuhlsdorf interprets all magisterial documents with Cushingism and offers the Traditional Latin Mass

When Fr.John Zuhlsdorf recites the Nicene Creed he uses Cushingism instead of Feeneyism as a theology.He would do the same while making a Profession of Faith. I have said this many times before and he has not denied it..The important thing in his life is keeping his blog and not being  suspended as a priest. So there will be no denial coming from him.
However discerning Catholics must be aware of the error and avoid it. He has to teach error to keep his blog and his sponsors. This would not be possible if he interprets magisterial documents with traditional Feeneyism.
When he recommends the Catechism of the Catholic Church it will be with the irrational Cushingite interpretation. Cushingism is his philosophy and theology.
When he interprets Vatican Council II like the Bologna School it is with raw Cushingism.At times he supports Vatican Council II and at other times he rejects it but always the interpretation is with the new theology-Cushingism.
Fr.Zuhlsdorf interprets all magisterial documents with a false premise to create a non traditional conclusion which is a rupture with Tradition.So he is approved by the Left which controls the Vatican.
The CDF uses Cushingism today while the Jesuits in the Middle Ages only knew Feeneyite philosophy and theology.So the ecclesiology of the Church was traditional and exclusivist.

This is not the ecclesiology of Fr. Zuhlsdorf at the Traditional Latin Mass(TLM).

For Fr.Zuhlsdorf there are visible and known cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignornance(I.I).
BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to Jesus' teaching in John 3:5 ( all need the baptism of water for salvation) and Mark 16:16 ( those who do not believe will be condemned).
So he recommends the old Mass with Cushingite theology instead of Feeneyite theology as was known to the missionaries in the 16th century. Since he is a Cushingite and believes there is known salvation outside the Church he approves of inter faith marriages, for them they are not adultery.
With Feeneyite theology the non Catholic spouse would be outside the Church and on the way to Hell.But he is not allowed to say this. The enemies of the Church want to destroy marriage and he cannot protest, if he still wants the good life.
-Lionel Andrades


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