Wednesday, January 3, 2018

If you can see and meet baptism of desire cases in the present then are reality is not the same.

 You do not want to affirm  the obvious or say the obvious.
I come back to what I have asked you over a year back : Can we physically see people saved with the baptism of desire on earth?
 Are they visible for you in real life where you live? Can you  meet someone saved with the baptism of desire( with or without the the  baptism of water) in 2018?
 I am not asking about possibilities in the past, I am not asking about canonized saints in the past, I am not asking about speculative cases expressed with goodwill, a good will even I would share with you and not  oppose.
I am asking about something concrete. Can you see a concrete person saved  in 2018 with the baptism of desire? 
To have a discussion we have to understand our terms and to be sure that  we both have the same understanding of reality.
 If you can see and meet baptism of desire cases in the present then are reality is not the same. -Lionel Andrades

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