Monday, January 15, 2018

It does not have to be the baptism of desire or extra ecclesiam nulla salus, we do not have to choose between the two, this is a very important point to note.

It does not have to be the baptism of desire(BOD) or extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), we do not have to choose between the two, this is a very important point  to note. It is not either BOD or EENS.
Once it is understood that the BOD is always physically   invisible in personal cases then it becomes obvious that BOD cannot be an exception to EENS and the past ecclesiology of the Church.
Bishops and priests have gone into sedevacantism since they do not understand this point.Cardinals, like Raymond Burke have criticised Vatican Council II since they were not aware of this point i.e it does not have to be BOD or EENS, we can affirm BOD and EENS.How wrong it seems to me when for example, Bishop Donald Sanborn has an article on line which criticizes Feeneyism since he assumes it has to be either BOD or Feeneyite EENS.
Similarly Fr.Anthony Cekada has written that the supporters of Fr. Leonard Feeney are in mortal sin since they reject BOD with the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.He does not reject BOD and BOD for him is an exception to all needing to enter the Church for salvation.So it is either BOD or Feeneyite EENS for him.
It is the same for Pope Benedict.It is BOD or EENS.It is the same for the CDF Prefects cardinals Muller and Ladaria.
Is Pope Benedict aware of the ignorance among traditionalists on this point?  In March 2016 (Avvenire) he asked what was the purpose of mission when Vatican Council II suggests there is salvation outside the Church. He means when you interpret LG 16 as referring to known people saved outside the Church in invincible ignorance it contradicts EENS and the old ecclesiology of the Church.
Unitatis Redintigratio 3,Vatican Council II refers to known people saved outside the Church, for him, in imperfect communion with the Church. So it is either UR 3 or EENs for Pope Benedict. UR 3 is a break with the old ecclesiology.It is an example for him of someone known, who is saved outside the Church.
Similarly Lumen Gentium 8,Vatican Council II, for Pope Benedict refers to physically visible cases of people seen in the present times saved outside the Church with elements of sanctification and truth.So for Pope Benedict it was either LG 8 or EENS(Feeneyite), either UR 3 or EENS according to the missionaries in the 16th century, either LG 8 or the past ecclesiology of the Church which called for an ecumenism of return.
This either-or reasoning is common in the Church just as in the past the Arian heresy predominated.
For me LG 16, UR 3,LG 8 etc are hypothetical cases, just speculation for us human beings.The Council Fathers at Vatican Council II made a mistake. They did not correct this either-or error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and used this false reasoning during Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades

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