Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Italy Muslims demand church bells be silenced in Genoa


Pam Geller’s site reports that practitioners of the Religion of Peace in near Genoa, Italy, have demanded that church bells be silenced.
“Before Christmas we received a letter from a lawyer who, in the name of his client, ordered to stop the bells of the church of the Blessed Sacrament,” said Fr Michele De Santis, the Chancellor of the Curia, [i.e., the chancery] ” so we advised the parish priest to stop them. ».
So, the parish has curtailed the use of their bells.
Hmmm… the blessing of bells is nicknamed “baptism”. They are washed with holy water, annointed with chrism and given a name. They speak, and remind us to of God and remind us when to pray, as at certain times of day they ring the Angelus and Mass times, alert us to 3 o’clock on Fridays, let us know of burials and marriages, etc.
It’s okay for muslims to have calls to prayer from the tops of towers, but not Catholics.
Shutting down bells in Catholic church towers is like disarming a population before the imposition of tyranny.
I am sure, however, that the catholic Left will be sympathetic both to this anti-bell movement as well as the award to the Dutch abortion promotrix. How sophisticated they will strive to sound as they explain how the delicate work of diplomatic circles can be, the need to make friends, not stir the pot too much. How thoughtful they will appear, as they, with a slightly sad smile explain that bells are, in the end, not such a big deal. We have to be respectful of different ways. We have to welcome the immigrant and – hey! – they aren’t used to bells. They don’t have them where they come from! It would be inhospitable to cling to the unnecessary trappings – in fact old and probably outdated practices.
Abortion… hijrajihad by immigration/invasion.
Can’t we all just get along?


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