Sunday, January 28, 2018

Look at the graphics and decide.What has been Pope Francis and Pope Benedict's theology.Is it Cushingism or Feeneyism?

Look at the graphics and decide.What has been Pope Francis and Pope Benedict's theology.Is it Cushingism or Feeneyism?
What about Pope Benedict's philosophy? Is there a rupture between faith and reason?
Is it a new philosophy, a new theology and new faith?
Why did  Pope Benedict in March 2016(Avvenire) state extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) is no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century?
Was there really a development  with  EENS ? According to which theology was there a development? Cushingism or Feeneyism? So can Pope Benedict correct himself in 2018 ? Can he state that with Feeneyite theology, EENS is in harmony with the missionaries and magisterium of the 16th century? Can he admit that he made a mistake in March 2016? Should he apologize?-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 27, 2018

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