Thursday, January 18, 2018

‘Persecution’: Christian leader decries Trudeau ban on summer job grants for pro-lifers

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MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, January 17, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Christians and other faith-based groups are suffering “persecution” under Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government by being required to confirm their support for abortion in order to receive summer job funds for students, a Chaldean Catholic priest said.
Father Niaz Toma, a Chaldean Catholic priest, told the Ottawa Citizen his community of Iraqi Christians won’t be able to apply for the grant because of the new policy. He said the requirement amounted to “persecution.”
Under the new Liberal rule, employers must sign an attestation that their “core mandate” respects “reproductive” and transgender “rights” to receive Canada Summer Job grants.
“We will never compromise our faith for the sake of grants to be received from the Canadian government,” the priest said. 
“Seemingly, the attempt is to be inclusive. But the end result is exclusivity, blocking certain groups.”

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