Thursday, January 11, 2018

Pope Benedict must choose between God and Mammon : will not recant

Pope Benedict needs to recant.He cannot serve both God and Mammon.He cannot choose to reject Feeneyism only to preserve his reputation and life style.
He is setting a bad example for the whole Church.Since every priest, bishop and cardinal has to interpret all magisterial documents  with irrational Cushingism.Feeneyism is prohibited  in the Church by him, in coordination with the  Jewish Left rabbis.

So Catholic school children at Catechism classes all over the world are taught a new faith, with new concepts of salvation.They must affirm that there are known cases of the baptism of desire in our reality. People saved outside the Church whom we can known.
Why should not a seminarian be allowed to be a priest after one year's study, I ask myself, since presently over four years they are taught a false Cushingite theology  and so even if they originally had the faith, they could lose it at the end of four years.
Take the case of Fr.Francesco Giordano the Director of the Human Life International office in Rome. He had his religious formation at the seminary with Cushingite theology. He received his academic degrees at the Angelicum Rome, specialising in outside the Church there is no salvation, but interpreted the dogma with Cushingite theology. He presented his final thesis to Fr. Charles Morerod O.P, the then Rector of the University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome with the Cushingite understanding of EENS i.e invisible cases of the baptism of desire were visible exceptions to traditional EENS.Fr.Giordano now teaches outside the Church there is no salvation with Cushingite theology at the Angelicum.
Privately today he may support Feeneyite EENS indicating there can be no practical exceptions to the dogma  in 2018 but in public he has to promote the Cushingite lie.He had to do this to remain a priest in good standing with the Church.
So what is his credibility when he tells mothers not to abort or use contraceptives due to some external family or social pressure? It is a sin for him.
Even Fr. Giordano commits a sin when he does not affirm EENS like the missionaries in the 16th century.He tells a lie, (invisible people are practical exceptions to EENS) since he needs to keep his job at HLI and not be suspended as a priest by the Vicariate in Rome.He is not saying all Jews,Muslims, Protestants and Orthodox Chrisitians need to convert into the Catholic Church as members since there can be no known exceptions to EENS.
Similarly Pope Benedict will maintain the lie throughout the Church with Cushingite theology and will not recant.

Pope Benedict and Bishop Charles Morerod o.p organised the SSPX-Vatican Doctrinal talks (2009-2011) with Cushingite theology and Fr. Jean Marie Gleize who led the SSPX team was sleeping.He did not ask the Vatican side to recant and affirm Feeneyite EENS and Vatican Council II.
Pope Benedict needs to recant and end the doctrinal crisis he has maintained in the Church.He cannot please Jesus and also the Jewish Left.-Lionel Andrades

January 10, 2018

Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson and Fr.Stefano Visintin osb say there are no known cases of the baptism of desire in our reality : contradict Pope Benedict


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