Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Pro-lifers tell Canadian embassy to ‘free’ Mary Wagner during U.S. March for Life

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WASHINGTON, D.C., January 22, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-life advocates rallied outside the Canadian embassy in Washington D.C. during the March for Life on Friday demanding that jailed pro-life heroine Mary Wagner be set free.
The pro-lifers held signs that showed life-sized images of Wanger and had the words "Free Mary Wagner, advocate for the unborn, prisoner of conscience."
Wagner, 43, has been in a Canadian jail since her December 8 arrest at an abortion clinic in Toronto.
She and a friend entered the abortion center with red roses and attempted to persuade women to choose life for their unborn children.
Wagner is charged with mischief and two counts of breach of probation.
Wagner, who has spent four years and nine months in jail in total since she began her pro-life witness in 2007, is the inspiration behind the recent Red Rose Rescues in Virginia, Michigan and New Mexico.
The “Free Mary Wagner” rally was organized by pro-life activist Fr. William Kuchinsky, a priest with the diocese of Wheeling-Charleston in West Virginia.
“It was beautiful to see the solidarity of these friends of Mary Wagner who gathered at the Canadian Embassy during the March for Life,” he told LifeSiteNews in an email.
“They joined together in a quickly organized witness inspired by Mary's Polish friends who protested outside of the Canadian Embassy in Warsaw recently,” he wrote.
“Most of those gathered are fellow ‘Red Rose Rescuers.’ Many of them are advocates from the Washington, DC area. They were joined by Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, CFR, Fr Stephen Imbarrato of the Archdiocese of Albuquerque, NM, and Dr. Monica Miller from Michigan,” Kuchinsky noted.
The 'Free Mary Wagner' group at the 2018 March for Life in Washington, D.C. William Kuchinsky

The group delivered a letter to the embassy from Polish physicians that “lamented that one of their own [Henry Morgentaler] was the ‘Father' of abortion in Canada, and also called for the release of Mary Wagner and the end of the unspeakable crime of abortion.”
The “Free Mary Wagner” rally gave Friday’s hundreds of thousands of marchers a “chance to hear of and see a bit of the story of Mary who remains imprisoned,” Kuchinsky wrote.
“Many did not know of Mary: now they do. Many were introduced to the ‘Red Rose Rescue’ efforts. Many pro-lifers marching knew of Mary and offered thanks for this group’s standing for her: offering thumbs up, voicing their ‘thank you’s' and even asking for ways they can be of help to her,” he observed.
Kuchinsky said many pro-lifers promised to pray for Wagner and her legal case.
Wagner’s next court appearance is scheduled on January 26.
Her mailing address is:
Vanier Center for Women, 655 Martin St., Milton, Ontario, Canada, L9T 5E6.

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