Thursday, January 25, 2018

Shame on everyone for not teaching and saying to everyone that they meet that there is No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church. Period end of discussion!-George Brenner

 Image result for Photo Outside the Church there is no salvation

  Shame on everyone (that is not in the  Catholic Church) for not teaching and saying to everyone that they meet that there is No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church. Period end of discussion! It must be known by all people that there are ONLY Catholics in Heaven in 2018. This is the MAIN reason that the Catholic Church has suffered so much the last half century and longer! It is for the lack of teaching this certaintity of our faith.
    If we were PRESENT in front of any person at any time of Catholic Church history we would be compelled to tell them that there is No Salvation Outside the Church(NSOCC). Even if that person were to be saved as a baptism of blood(Bob), baptism of desire (Bod)  or Invincible Ignorance(I.I) CATHOLIC by God himself it would be our moral duty to baptize them with water, as Christ himself said was a key to Salvation. I fully recognize the significance and importance of being baptised with water as the Sacrament of the Church that was proclaimed by so many Saints and  also ex Cathedra, three times, century after century.This is the  key to our faith. We only know that a Catholic who dies baptized with water  is granted eternity by God.He needs to be free from mortal sin.He will enter Purgatory and eventually Heaven for ALL eternity after he dies on this Earth. I say this with almighty God as a witness for all to believe and live their lives accordingly.-George Brenner

Image result for Photo Outside the Church there is no salvation

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