Thursday, January 18, 2018

St.Benedict Centers could affirm Vatican Council II with Feeneyite theology and the SSPX could affirm Vatican Council II and EENS with Feeneyite and not Cushingite theology

Does the Church before and after VII literally say that the ordinary means of salvation is the Sacrament of Baptism and Catholic Faith?
Does not the usage of the word "ordinary" necessarily imply that there is an extra-ordinary means?  Like them using "extra-ordinary Mass" (TLM) and then using "ordinary Mass" (Novus Ordo). 
Most Catholics, would read "Ordinary means" of salvation as meaning that there is yet another way that is successful if there is no way that the sacrament can be accessed.
This is one of the major problems with the VII documents.....they are so ambiguous to the average Catholic that they can be construed to mean almost anything.  What needs to be done os to abolish the VII documents and have a Vatican III which would be precise so that all Catholics can read the docs and be it is, they are only confused.

The Council of Pistoia was abolished as was the Council of Venice.....the same should be done with VII.

Are you aware of Dr. Bella Dodd, and if so, do you think that what she said took place in the 1950's had any effect on the VII Council?  If you aren't aware of Dr. Bella Dodd, I'd be only too happy to send you her info.

Also, the clarification you refer to that needs to be done, needs to be so very official that it almost like an addendum to the VII docs.  It would have to carry a lot of ecclesiastical power to make sure everyone that it was actually a correction...

Thanks for the hard and persevering work....


The ordinary means of salvation is a phrase used by Pope Benedict whom we know is a Cushingite.You are correct there is no extra ordinary means of salvation for a Feeneyite.

So we can continue to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism.There are no known extra ordinary means of salvation or us human beings.

So irrespective if the clarification comes we can affirm Vatican Council II(Feeneyite).
The traditionalists could make a beginning. The St.Benedict Centers could do it with Vatican Council II and the SSPX with Vatican Council II and EENS.-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 17, 2018

I am affirming the Catholic faith.It is the same for me before and after Vatican Council II

JANUARY 17, 2018

Fr. Leonard Feeney was correct and the magisterium was wrong.

 JANUARY 17, 2018

When the CDF makes Vatican Council II a condition for canonical recognition the religious communities must ask the CDF to affirm the Council

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