Monday, January 15, 2018

Vatican-cardinals need to be asked how can a lay man in Rome affirm EENS as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century and Pope Benedict could not do so in March 2016 ?

There are enough blog posts on Lionel's Blog, to show that I am a Catholic who affirms the Nicene Creed, Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church and also the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century.So for me Vatican Council II is not a rupture, a 'development' with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.EENS is the same for me as it was for the Jesuits in the Middle Ages.

So those of you who are in contact with a cardinal at the Vatican, especially the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, could you please ask him how is this possible? How can I a lay man in Rome affirm EENS as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century and Pope Benedict could not do the same in March 2016( Avvenire)? One of us is wrong.

Image result for Photos of Archbishop Lefebvre and Fr.Leonard Feeney
Pope Benedict 'broke his silence' and made it known that EENS was no more like it was in the 16th century while I as a Catholic say it still is the same for me, unless some one could show me where I am wrong.
Pope Benedict questioned the need for mission when Vatican Council II, for him, suggested there was known salvation outside the Church. While I think the reasons for mission are the same as it was for the Jesuits in the Middle Ages, and Vatican Council II, for me, does not state that there is known salvation outside the Church.
So either Pope Benedict or I am wrong. One of us in in heresy, one of us is a modernist.
The cardinals need to be contacted and asked about this.May be even the Archbishops, Guido Pozzo and Augustine di Noia at Ecclesia Dei,CDF could be asked for a statement.

They may cite the International Theological Commission paper, Christianity and the World Religions.It suggests that LG 16 and GS 22 are exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. Or they may cite the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which indicated that invisible for us baptism of desire is a visible exception to Feeneyite EENS.
In both cases they would prove me correct.They made an objective error. The magisterium made a factual error.
How can invisible people in 2018 be known and visible exceptions to the dogma EENS ?
How can people we cannot see or meet be examples of salvation outside the Church in the present times? The inference is faulty.
For me LG 16 and GS 22 being invisible and unknown cases in 2018 are not relevant or exceptions to the dogma EENS as it was known over the centuries.So who is correct, the pope or I ?

The cardinals and bishops can no longer use this false argument. They cannot tell me that, I Lionel, must believe that invisible people are visible and then I must infer that these 'visible' people are examples of salvation outside the Church. This is all fantasy. 
Yet this is a problem today. Catholics do not understand or do not want to understand.
Yesterday after a discussion on this subject, the liberal blog owner who contributes to the National Catholic Reporter, wiped out the whole conversation. Until the end he would not answer if the baptism of desire refers to someone invisible or visible in 2018, something which would be obvious to even a school boy.
So could someone ask the cardinals, what if Lionel is correct and they all were wrong and still are wrong? What if Pope Benedict made a mistake in March 2016?
And if it is no more either BOD or EENS, then the sedevacantists  can affirm Vatican Council II and stop criticizing the popes. It also means the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) could accept Vatican Council II since it would not be a rupture with the old ecclesiology on an ecumenism of return.It will not be a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors.
Could someone contact the Vatican Press Office and the CDF ? I have not used the phone for many years.

Cardinal Muller and Archbishop Augustine di Noia have been interpreting Lumen Gentium as referring to known people saved outside the Church.They are Ratzingerians. But we know that this is irrational.It is contrary to common sense. How can LG 8,LG 14,LG 16 etc refer to visible people over the last 50 years saved in invincible ignorance or with the baptism of desire or elements of sanctification and truth? 

How can we humans judge that a particular person, and a non Catholic too, would go to Heaven even if he is outside the Church.How could I judge that a good person would be going to Heaven when this person in future could commit a mortal sin ?  Yet this was the mistake made by Cardinal Muller and Archbishop Di Noia when Edward Pentin asked them about EENS.Pentin simply accepted their irrational response.

He did not also say that the ordinary means of salvation(Redemptoris Missio 55)  is 'faith and baptism'(AG 7,LG 14) it it not the baptism of desire or invincible ignorance. We cannot know of any practical exceptions to the ordinary means of salvation.

So how could there be Catholics, who agree with me and say BOD, BOB and I.I are not exceptions to EENS while the cardinals and Pope Benedict indicate that they are ? 

How can a few prominent Catholics, religious and secular,  agree with me and state that Vatican Council II is not a rupture with EENS as it was known over the centuries while Pope Benedict in March 2016 has an opposite view?-Lionel Andrades

Image result for Photo of Cushingite heresy

JANUARY 15, 2018

I am a Catholic.I am not a member of any sect

JANUARY 15, 2018

It does not have to be the baptism of desire or extra ecclesiam nulla salus, we do not have to choose between the two, this is a very important point to note

JANUARY 14, 2018

Repost : I know what I am saying will be new for you.It will be new for most Catholics

JANUARY 14, 2018

Repost : Mons.Guido Pozzo, Secretary,Ecclesia Dei will not say it : with Feeneyism Vatican Council II affirms an Ecumenism of Return, Social Reign of Christ the King and no known salvation outside the Church

JANUARY 14, 2018

There cannot be a development of doctrine based on a false premise : this would be deception

JANUARY 14, 2018

Tantumblogo and commentators on the Dallas blog do not know that the baptism of desire has nothing to do with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)


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