Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A mother at a Medugorje prayer meeting in Italy prays for her son's conversion persistently : teenager Roland converts on his second visit to Medugorje gives up drugs .

Episode 52 Fruit of Medjugorje - Roland

At Medugorje Roland, a young Italian,  gives up drugs  goes for Confession and a little by little felt peace. He would go  Mass  and now he has been living in Medugorje for over 10 years.
Our Lady gave him a great gift to go for Mass and prayer the Rosary every day he says .
He lost his interest in heavy metal music and decided to play the guitar only for the Lord.
He had a lot of healing in front of the Blessed Sacrament .
He met Mother Rosario, at Medugorje who had an important influence in his life. Mother Rosario was an Italian  fashion designer.After an experience at Medugorje she founded a religious community there with the help of Fr. Slavko Barbaric ofm. Roland is part of that community.
He believes Our Lady Medugorje has saved him since many of his friends who were on drugs died, went to prison or lost their mind. 
He says Our Lady at Medugorje told him that he was there because somebody had sacrificed and prayed for him. He now prays and sacrifices for others.He says Our Lady is concerned about the youth.
I personally know Roland and his great community. I lived with them for a few months in Italy and for a day at Medugorje.Madre Rosario is an extraordinary person.
Roland became a Deacon and had finished his theological studies.I do not know if he is a priest by now.Mother Rosario wanted him to become one.
Roland is known for a song he composed at Medugorje and  which is popular in Italy. It is called Dona la pace.
He creates beautiful music at Medugorje.Listen to Dona la Pace.It's Roland singing -Lionel Andrades

Episode 52 Fruit of Medjugorje - Roland

Dona la pace

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