Monday, February 26, 2018

As long as a person is on earth we cannot say that he is in Hell but we can say that he is oriented to Hell. He is on the way to Hell according to the Bible, Tradition and present day Magisterial documents interpreted with the theology of Feeneyism( according to L.A).

I will not say that  as a matter of fact that ANYONE is on the way to Hell.
Why not?
Is faith and baptism in the Catholic Church the ordinary way of salvation or is it BOD, BOB and I.I.?

 Judgement is up to God alone and not me or you. 
Final Judgement.
However we can judge based on the moral and faith teachings of the Church. For example we do not condemn any homsexual but we know that homosexuality leads to Hell.The person is oriented to Hell.
Similarly we do not condemn any non Catholic. But we know that without faith and baptism(Vatican Council II,AG 7) he or she is oriented to Hell.

Do I think that they are going to Hell, absolutely BUT I can not know if any INDIVIDUAL is on the way to hell. 

You say absolutely and then you say you do not know?

It does not look at all good for them but when I am asked by a protestant for example do you think that I am going to hell. I always answer if you do not become a Catholic the answer is sadly yes but I hold out hope that they would become Catholic even if that means at Deaths door and to that I have no way to be certain but feel very sad for them for truth is truth, YET DECLARING SOMEONE IS IN HELL IS FOR GOD ALONE!

As long as a person is on earth we cannot say that he is in Hell but we can say that he is oriented to Hell. He is on the way to Hell according to the Bible, Tradition and present day Magisterial documents interpreted with the theology of Feeneyism( according to L.A).

  In Christ


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