Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Bishop Fellay says the SSPX believes in nothing heretical but he still does not know that he interprets Vatican Council II with the for and against extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) method : it is irrational

He (Bishop Bernard Fellay) mentioned the doctrinal talks of 2009-2011, which showed Rome that the SSPX believes nothing heretical and that modern Catholic teaching on certain points stands in stark contrast to the traditional doctrine of the Church.1

Bishop Fellay says that the SSPX believes in nothing heretical but still does not know that the SSPX interprets Vatican Council II with the for and against extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) method.So there is a rupture with the dogma EENS and the past ecclesiology of the Church.The fault lies with the SSPX and not Vatican Council II.
Also he interprets invisible- for- us baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) as being visible exceptions to the dogma EENS. So there is a rupture with EENS , the past ecclesiology and the Syllabus of Errors.
I do not use this irrationality to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS and so my conclusion is different from Bishop Fellay.There is no rupture with Tradition.
The SSPX, like Rome, is using an irrational premise(invisible cases of BOD are visible) and conclusion( BOD excludes the baptism of water and is an  exception to EENS and there is known salvation outside the Church).
Now please note I am not denying BOD,BOB and I.I but pointing out that with visible or invisible BOD,BOB and I.I there are two different interpretations which have two different conclusions.
Also when the for and against method is used to interpret Vatican Council II, the conclusion will be a rupture with Tradition.Since the against passages are  inferred to be visible and known people saved outside the Church, when there are no such people.
-Lionel Andrades



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