Friday, February 16, 2018

Blessed Pope Pius XII made an objective error in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case and Pope Paul VI repeated it at Vatican Council II

Liberal Magazine, Were All Recent Popes Really Saints?

Pro-Francis journalist Mollie Wilson O'Reilly asks the pope to “stop making every pope a saint” saying that it is “a pretty big coincidence for all of the popes since Pius XII — ahem, Venerable Pius XII — to have been men of uncommon heroic virtue”.

Writing in the liberal Catholic magazine Commonweal (February 8) she adds, "If the modern Church really has managed to elect an unbroken string of papal saints in the past century, well, that’s impressive, but considering that the pope is the one who gets to make that call, it’s also a bit...suspect.”

In 2014, Pope Francis canonized John XIII († 1963) and John Paul II († 2005). Paul VI († 1978) is on the docket to be canonized 2018 and Pope John Paul I († 1978) was recognized “Venerable” last November.

 FEBRUARY 14, 2018

To re- interpret Vatican Council II and switch from Cushingism to Feneeyism as a theology review your understanding of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 -1

FEBRUARY 14, 2018

To re-interpret Vatican Council II and switch from Cushingism to Feeneyism as a theology review your understanding of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 - 2

FEBRUARY 14, 2018

To re-interpret Vatican Council II and switich from Cushingism to Feeneyism as a theology review your understanding of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 -3

FEBRUARY 14, 2018
To re-interpret Vatican Council II and switch from Cushingism to Feeneyism as a theology review your understanding of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 -4

FEBRUARY 15, 2018
To re-interpret Vatican Council II and switch from Cushingism to Feeneyism as a theology review your understanding of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 -5

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