Saturday, February 24, 2018

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria s.j is in schism error needs to be recanted : Catholics have to affirm heresy and schism of the present Magisterium in the name of Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise to elicit a non traditional and heretical conclusion which is a break with the past Magisterium of the Church.

When I mention that Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.j is in schism it is not just to criticize him but so that he will correct his mistake. It is the same with the two popes.

Once they correct the mistake then Catholics at large can affirm Vatican Council II with the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).The ecclesiology of the Catholic Church before and after Vatican Council II would be the same.There could only be an ecumenism of return and Protestants would still be outside the Church and unable to receive the Eucharist.
It could no more be said that Vatican Council II is 'revolutionary' or ' a paradigm shift' or the ecclesiology of the Church has changed and EENS is no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century.This is all possible when Vatican Council II is interpreted with the false premise, with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism(according to L.A).
It means the Tridentine Rite Mass and Mass in the vernacular would be offered knowing outside the Church there is no known salvation and all non Catholics need to be members of the Church to avoid Hell( for salvation).
With the past ecclesiology intact the Social Reign of Christ the King would be a priority with the non separation of Church and State proclaimed.
There would be no schism with the past popes and Magisterium.
Presently Catholics are large have to affirm heresy and schism which is promoted by the present Magisterium in the name of Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise to elicit a non traditional and heretical conclusion which is a break with the past Magisterium of the Church.-Lionel Andrades

EBRUARY 23, 2018

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria s.j in schism : enforcing it on the whole Church

FEBRUARY 24, 2018

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF),Vatican has no objections if all Catholic religious communities affirm Vatican Council II without the irrational premise : information exclusively on Lionel's Blog

Tell Card.Marx that you affirm Vatican Council II according to Lionel Andrades.There is no known salvation outside the Church. So Protestants cannot receieve the Eucharist (Graphics)

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