Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Feeneyism (according to L.A) is also important for the Schools of Evangelisation of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement and for the catechesis done by the Neo Cathechumanal Way of Kiko Arguello

Feeneyism (according to Lionel Andrades) is also important for the Schools of Evangelisation of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement and for the catechesis done in the churches by the Neo Cathechumanal Way of Kiko Arguello.
They would call people to conversion and ask them to accept Jesus in the Catholic Church to avoid Hell and to go to Heaven.
Now they only call people to to Jesus and to conversion in a vague way, without mentioning the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 10, 2018

Image result for Photo Kiko Arguello and Pope Francis

Kiko Arguello and the Neo Catechumenal Way must re consider the Redemptoris Mater seminaries coordinating with the Allen Hall seminary, London.It uses irrational Cushingism to interpret Vatican Council II


FEBRUARY 10, 2018

Fr Roger Taylor

No denial from Rector of Allen Hall, Catholic seminary,London : interprets LG 16 as a rupture with EENS and the Syllabus of Errors


FEBRUARY 8, 2018

Image result for Photos Nouvelle Theologie Revue

The New Theology of Rahner, Ratzinger and Ladaria has been accepted by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Neo Cathechumenal Way, traditionalists and all the religious communities


FEBRUARY 8, 2018

The difference between the Rector of the Allen Hall,London,Catholic seminary and me : LG 16 refers to hypothetical and invisible cases for me but not for him


FEBRUARY 6, 2018

Image result for Photo Kiko Arguello and Pope Francis

Image result for Photos Catholic Charismatic Renewal

Cushingism is the only theology used by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement and the Neo Catechumenal Way : this is not the work of the Holy Spirit


FEBRUARY 5, 2018

This would be a new way for the Charismatic Renewal Movement to read Vatican Council II : Feeneyism is Catholic. Alpha is not


FEBRUARY 5, 2018

Would ICRS, the Focolares, Neo Cathecumenal Way and other religious movements also approve Feeneyite philosophy and theology in the interpretation of magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II?


JANUARY 21, 2018

Catholic Charismatic Renewal can affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus like the Jesuits in the Middle Ages


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