Thursday, February 8, 2018

I have cited Vatican Council II(AG 7).I have not made a personal judgement. How could I know with my personal judgement?

A Seminary Rector Responds:

Your message is devoid of Christian charity. Instead of looking for the good in people different to yourself, you are quick to condemn. Do you think God is going to damn people to hell just because they do not think or pray in the same way you do? If so, perhaps your image of God is not one of a God who is full of love, care and mercy for his creation.

Do you really think that God is unable to save charismatics, the Neocatechumens, Protestants and Jews? Does God not love all people? Does God not give his mercy freely and widely in ways we human beings have not yet been able to fathom? Perhaps your image of God is not one of a God who is almighty and unfettered by human philosophies and methodologies.
Your e-mail is made all the more ridiculous by its final affirmation which is "fake news" if ever I saw it... there were no Jesuits in the Middle Ages! The Jesuits were founded in 1540, one hundred years into the time of the European Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. Crazy opinions are one thing - getting the facts wrong is quite another!
With prayers for you
Yours sincerely in Christ
The Rector and Staff of St...Seminary

Dear Rev.Fr.... s.j,
Your message is devoid of Christian charity. Instead of looking for the good in people different to yourself, you are quick to condemn. Do you think God is going to damn people to hell just because they do not think or pray in the same way you do? If so, perhaps your image of God is not one of a God who is full of love, care and mercy for his creation.
Lionel: I have cited Vatican Council II(AG 7).I have not made a personal judgement. How could I know with my personal judgement?
I am citing the teachings of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit has guided the Church to teach this in the past. It is also repeated in Vatican Council II.

Do you really think that God is unable to save charismatics, the Neocatechumens, Protestants and Jews? Does God not love all people? Does God not give his mercy freely and widely in ways we human beings have not yet been able to fathom? Perhaps your image of God is not one of a God who is almighty and unfettered by human philosophies and methodologies.
Lionel : God loves all people and Jesus died for all. Salvation is open to all. However to receive this salvation all need to be members of the Catholic Church(Dominus Iesus 29, Vatican Council II AG 7, LG 14, CCC 845,846,1257, Council of Florence 1441 etc).
Your e-mail is made all the more ridiculous by its final affirmation which is "fake news" if ever I saw it... there were no Jesuits in the Middle Ages! The Jesuits were founded in 1540, one hundred years into the time of the European Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. Crazy opinions are one thing - getting the facts wrong is quite another!
Lionel: The sixteenth century is the Middle Ages for me.
-Lionel Andrades


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