Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Major Protestant YouTube Star Announces She’s Converting to Catholicism

by  - 
LizziesAnswers, YouTube
YouTube star Lizzie Estella Reezay of the YouTube channel LizziesAnswers has announced that she’s converting from Protestantism to Catholicism.
I want everyone to know that I hated that this was happening,” she explains in a recent video. “I fought so hard to get out of this intellectually. I did not want to be Catholic. Not only did I think Catholicism was wrong, I just didn’t like the vibe of Catholicism. I wanted to be anything but Catholic.”
She explains how hard it was for her to make her announcement video because she knew many of her Protestant family and friends would perceive it to be a betrayal. But, she explains, she was obliged to become Catholic by the force of one simple fact: it was true.
Lizzie grew up in the Protestant denomination Churches of Christ (CoC). She started her YouTube channel 8 years ago when she was just 16 years old and had a few videos giving teenage relationship advice go viral. Since the beginning, though, she wasn’t shy about also talking about her Christian faith.
As of this writing, she has amassed a huge following, with over +183k subscribers to her YouTube channel and over 34 million video views.
She attended Pepperdine University (which is affiliated with CoC), where she studied philosophy and religion, and she was planning on moving to Thailand soon to work as a CoC missionary. But in the last year or so she also started exploring Catholicism on her channel, with videos like “10 Lies Protestants Believe About Catholicism! (From a Protestant),” “PROTESTANT VISITS LATIN MASS! What I LOVED and HATED,” and “WHY “FAITH ALONE” SALVATION IS WRONG! (From a Protestant).”
Then, on Ash Wednesday just a few days ago she announced she was converting to Catholicism! She said she would explain more in an upcoming video, which she released a few days later.
Reading the writings of the early Church fathers was particularly impactful for her, since she said they were so clearly Catholic. She also realized that the Catholic Church’s teaching about the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist was more biblical than she thought. Finally, she said she decided to become Catholic rather than Eastern Orthodox after being convinced of the truth of the papacy by Steve Ray’s book Upon This Rock.

Here’s the full video of her explaining why she’s converting to Catholicism:

Say a prayer for her!


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