Sunday, February 11, 2018

Once the popes and cardinals say there are no visible cases of BOD,BOB and I.I they will return to the old salvation theology and ecclesiology of Church

The popes since Pius XII have been trying to adapt to invisible baptism of desire(BOD) being a visible exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).We know BOD( followed by the baptism of water) can only be a possibility known to God.There is no connection with EENS.There is no connection since BOD cases do not exist on earth for us human beings.When they are not there in our reality they cannot be exceptions to EENS.
Today we are presented with various theories which try to accomodate visible for us baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I). They all try to connect BOD, BOB, I.I and EENS.
Image result for photo of Cardinal RatzingerImage result for photo of Michael Voris
Cardinal Ratzinger's Cushingite theory says all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church(CCC 846).Michael Voris says all who are in Heaven are Catholics.
Image result for photo of Bishop BarronImage result for photo of Fr.Karl Rahner
Bishop Robert Barron says we can have a reasonable hope that most men are savedFr.Karl Rahner s.j refers to the Anonymous Christian,Pope Francis says Protestants are redeemed,Archbishop Lefebvre says non Catholics are saved in their religion, Fr.Jean Marie Gleize of the SSPX refers to the extraordinary way of salvation,when we humans can only know of the ordinary way of salvation, which is the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
Image result for photo of Archbishop LefebvreImage result for photo of Fr.Jean Marie Gleize SSPX
This is all Cushingite theology.
Cardinal Richard Cushing said that there was salvation outside the Church.He was supported by the Jesuits of his time.This was a break with the past.
Popes since Pius XII have changed the understanding of EENS with this Cushingite reasoning.This was confirmed by Pope Benedict in March 2016(Avenire).The Cushingite pope said EENS was no more like it was in the past.For him there was 'a development' with Vatican Council II(Cushingite).He was not going to affirm Vatican Concil II(Feeneyite) which would not be a development with EENS, according to the missionaries of the 16th century.
Unlike him, I affirm Feeneyite theology.I mention the error of the popes and cardinals only so that they can be corrected.The popes can  switch to Feeneyism and discard their New Theology(Cushingism).They have to avoid the false premise ( invisible people are visible, unknown non Catholics are known examples of salvation outside the Church).When we avoid the false premise we are automatically back to the old theology on salvation and the past ecclesiology of the Church. We do not have to put forward a new theology.
So it is asked how can the popes since Pius XII and all the cardinals be wrong and you are correct only?
I have explained in these blog posts, that  unlike the pre- Pius XII popes, the present popes have wrongly assumed invisible people are visible.They then inferred that there is known salvation outside the Church, even when there is no evidence.So they do away with the ecumenism of return,the dogma EENS and the Syllabus of Errors.They are really saying that all the popes of the past centuries were wrong since they did not use the same false premise as them.
Secondly, I am not the only one who says this.In general people agree with me.There are no physically visible cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I this is something obvious to all. This is not a personal opinion.
Once the popes and cardinals say there are no visible cases of BOD,BOB and I.I they will return to the old salvation theology and ecclesiology of Church. They will realize that BOD, BOB and I.I have no connection with EENS.
-Lionel Andrades

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