Saturday, February 10, 2018

Popes since Pius XII and Archbishop Lefebvre would be in heresy for the Magisterium in the 16th century

What are you saying?
All of the current Pope's along with Archbishop Lefebvre, Cardinal Ottavanni all the Pope's of Vatican II along with Pope's Pius XII , clergy many distinguished writers and layman are all in HERESY over Bob(Baptism of Blood), Bod(baptism of Desire) and I.I(Invincible Ignorance) and except you are correct?
Cushingism is a heretical philosophy and theology.It changes the interpretation of magisterial documents.
Feeneyism( according to L.A) is the traditional philosophy and theology.When we avoid Cushingism we automatically return to Feeneyism.We do not have to create a new theology or anything new.
For me EENS Feeneyite says the baptism of desire (BOD) etc refer to invsible and unknown people in 2018 and so BOD etc are not relevant or exceptions to the dogma EENS.So I affirm Feeneyite EENS.
For Archbishop Lefebvre and the popes since Pius XII it is EENS(Cushingite). They believe that BOD,BOB and I.I refer to known people saved outside the Church. BOD,BOB and I.I are examples of salvation outside the Church.This is a rupture with the magisterium of the 16th century, for example.This would be heresy for the Magisterium in the 16th century and the Church Councils which defined EENS.
Yet Pope Benedict in March 2016 confirmed his Cushingite view of EENS .This was a heresy of faith and it was manifest in public.
No one else objected since generally they are interpreting Vatican Council II and EENS with Cushingism.
So I affirm Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) and they all affirm Vatican Council II(Cushingite).Don't you think one of us is in heresy? Which is the rational, traditional and non heretical interpretation,of EENS and Vatican Council II, for you? Theirs or mine?   -Lionel Andrades

February 9, 2018
If Michael Voris could accept that Pope Pius XII, Card. Ottaviani and Abp Lefebvre were in heresy while Fr. Leonard Feeney was teaching Catholic orthodoxy then the interpretation of Vatican Council II would change for CMTV

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