Thursday, February 22, 2018

So at least the traditionalists should tell the two popes that they follow Lionel Andrades' interpretation on Vatican Council II and EENS.

I affirm magisterial documents with a rational theology it is the popes and the rest of the Church who have to do the same. Don't expect me to support their irrationality with reference to Vatican Council II and so go into schism like them.

I do do not deny Vatican Council II. I just interpret it without the false premise.
Neither do they deny Vatican Council II. They just interpret it with the false premise.
So I produce a rational and traditional conclusion.
They produce a rupture with Tradition and call it magisterial.
They have to change. Not me.
The traditionalists who follow the present two popes have to change.
The liberals who follow the two popes have to change.
They can choose to interpret Vatican Council II like me.

They can avoid the false premise and the interpretation of Vatican Council II changes.
Just like the liberals and I do not blame Vatican Council II, also the conservative and traditionalist Catholics  should also not put the blame on the Council. It can be interpreted in harmony with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.This is how I interpret it.The liberals though would reject this interpretation.They may then reject Vatican Council II like the traditionalists do today.
So at least the traditionalists should tell the two popes that they will follow Lionel Andrades' interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS.
Show them difference between the two interpretations. It is all there on the Internet.
-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 22, 2018

I affirm magisterial documents with a rational theology it is the popes and the rest of the Church who have to change and do the same. They should not expect me to repeat all their irrationality with reference to EENS and so go into schism like them

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