Saturday, February 3, 2018

SSPX is in doctrinal error like the magisterium and there is no denial from them : through their silence they admit their mistake

I am sorry but tell me again or show me where the  fssp  and  society of Pope Pius X made a mistake on this doctrine. 

Lionel :
Here they are...., you can find them on the SSPX website, listed below in red.  
We now know that there is only one known and visible baptism for us human beings.No one has seen salvation outside the Church.No one knows of any one saved with the baptism of desire in particular in Heaven.Someone allegedly saved with the baptism of desire or baptism of blood in the past cannot be an objective exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) in the present times(2018). For there to be an exception there would have to be a known person saved outside the Church in the present times.He or she could then be cited as an example of salvation outside the Church.
So the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) never ever were exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The liberal theologians made a mistake or faked it, in 1949 and then in 1960-1965 and in the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994).
We can only accept BOD,BOB and I.I as speculative and hypothetical cases, possibillities for us human beings which can only be known to God in  a concrete way.
So the Society of St. Pius X has made a mistake in the following reports on their official website.This is the error of the FSSP and also the sedevacantists influenced by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

The three baptisms
Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer
 Originally in the March 1998 issue of The Angelus magazine.

The three errors of the Feeneyites

Fr. Feeney and Catholic doctrine

Against the Heresies by Archbishop Lefebvre

Open Letter to Confused Catholics by Archbishop Lefebvre

Baptism of Desire by Fr. John-Marc Rulleau

Is Feeneyism Catholic? by Fr. Francois Laisney

  • Against the Heresies, by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre:
1. Page 216: “Evidently, certain distinctions must be made. Souls can be saved in a religion other than the Catholic religion (Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.), but not by this religion. There may be souls who, not knowing Our Lord, have by the grace of the good Lord, good interior dispositions, who submit to God…But some of these persons make an act of love which implicitly is equivalent to baptism of desire. It is uniquely by this means that they are able to be saved.”[1]
2. Page 217: “One cannot say, then, that no one is saved in these religions…”[2]
3. Pages 217-218: “This is then what Pius IX said and what he condemned. It is necessary to understand the formulation that was so often employed by the Fathers of the Church: ‘Outside the Church there is no salvation.’ When we say that, it is incorrectly believed that we think that all the Protestants, all the Moslems, all the Buddhists, all those who do not publicly belong to the Catholic Church go to hell. Now, I repeat, it is possible for someone to be saved in these religions, but they are saved by the Church, and so the formulation is true: Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus. This must be preached.”[3]

  • Open Letter to Confused Catholics, by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre:
Pages 73-74: “Does this mean that no Protestant, no Muslim, no Buddhist or animist will be saved? No, it would be a second error to think that. Those who cry for intolerance in interpreting St. Cyprian’s formula Outside the Church there is no salvation, also reject the Creed, “I accept one baptism for the remission of sins,” and are insufficiently instructed as to what baptism is. There are three ways of receiving it: the baptism of water; the baptism of blood (that of martyrs who confessed their faith while still catechumens); and baptism of desire. Baptism can be explicit. Many times in Africa I heard one of our catechumens say to me, “Father, baptize me straightaway because if I die before you come again, I shall go to hell.” I told him, “No, if you have no mortal sin on your conscience and if you desire baptism, then you already have the grace in you…”[8]

-Lionel Andrades


NOVEMBER 8, 2017

Books of Archbishop Lefebvre are obsolete now : so are the writings on Vatican Council II by Chris Ferrara and Roberto dei Mattei

NOVEMBER 11, 2017

No denial from SSPX : Books of Archbishop Lefebvre are obsolete now : so are the writings on Vatican Council II by Chris Ferrara and Roberto dei Mattei

 NOVEMBER 11, 2017

SSPX continues to calumniate Fr. Leonard Feeney : doctrinal ignorance prevents them from using Catholic churches on Sunday.

JANUARY 18, 2018

St.Benedict Centers could affirm Vatican Council II with Feeneyite theology and the SSPX could affirm Vatican Council II and EENS with Feeneyite and not Cushingite theology

JANUARY 7, 2018

Catholics at large who discern must help the SSPX members to understand

AUGUST 19, 2016

No denial from the SSPX: dogmas and doctrine changed

MAY 20, 2016

SSPX is in doctrinal error like the contemporary magisterium Steve Skojec

JANUARY 12, 2016

Doctrinal error within the SSPX too ?

JANUARY 12, 2016

Pope Pius XII, Cardinals Ottaviani, Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre were factually wrong

JANUARY 3, 2018

The SSPX bishops like Archbishop Lefebvre interpret Vatican Council II(LG 16 etc) as a rupture with EENS and so they reject Vatican Council II.So the Vatican Council II which they understand, is always a rupture with EENS
JANUARY 3, 2018

For Abp Marcel Lefebvre and Bp Bernard Fellay there are physically known cases of the baptism of desire
JANUARY 3, 2018  I have cited many cases where Bishop Fellay inferred that there are physically known cases when the reference is to only hypothetical and unknown people in our reality e.g Lumen Gentium 8 (subsist it)

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