Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The battle begins and is centered around this dogma, because once the necessity of the Catholic Faith is denied then everything else becomes meaningless. - MHFM

 From the Most Holy Family Monastery (sedevacantist) website:
Dear Brother Dimond's
My friend says to me that you are nothing but a bunch of Feeneyites. I don't believe it for a moment. I said to him "Well I like them." And as for Fr Feeney, I like him too, especially his book of poems "In Towns and Little Towns".   How can I explain to him that you are not Feeneyites?
God bless
Michael Vincent
We are Catholics.  Do we agree with Fr. Feeney on the absolute necessity of water baptism for salvation?  Yes, because this is what the Catholic Church teaches.  You should ask your friends if they are salvation-for-members-of-false-religions-endorsing heretics. 
Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Sess. 7, Can. 5 on the Sacrament of Baptism, ex cathedra“If anyone says that baptism [the Sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation (cf. Jn. 3:5): let him be anathema.”
Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439:  “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church.  And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5].  The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”
Unfortunately, your friends probably despise Fr. Feeney because they despise the dogma on salvation.  Perhaps the following will cause them to reconsider their assessment of Fr. Feeney: 
Before I get into this point, I must remind the reader that we are not “Feeneyites” and that I had never heard of Fr. Leonard Feeney when I came to the same conclusion on the absolute necessity of water baptism based on the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church.  We don’t agree with some of Fr. Feeney’s conclusions on Justification (we believe he was mistaken in good faith on these points).     
In the following passages from Fr. Feeney’s book, Bread of Life—which is made up of Fr. Feeney’s sermons before Vatican II—he connects the eventual loss of the pope (i.e., what we have experienced with the reign of the Vatican II antipopes) to the denial of the dogma Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation. 
Fr. Leonard Feeney S.J., Bread of Life, pp. 32-33:“We have Protestants in an arrangement-religion that never knows what to call itself from one week to another, that never knows what its new minister is going to tell it from chapter to chapter of Holy Scripture.  We have Unitarians who have no faith in the assured Jesus, getting more indefinite about what Christianity meant to say.  And, of course, we have Jews evading the Faith, running away from it, pretending they do not hear the name of Jesus – pretending Christmas is not the birth of Jesus Christ, and getting civic leaders to remove ‘Merry Christmas’ from in front of City Hall and to substitute for it ‘Seasons Greetings,’ because the word ‘Christ’ in ‘Christmas’ annoys them.  All this, horrible as it is, I am prepared to cope with.
     “But imagine a priest in the Holy Roman Catholic Church, ordained by the successors of the Apostles – dedicated to the Name and purpose and Blood and robes of Jesus – sitting at Harvard College week after week and listening to religion being lectured about in invisible terms.  And imagine their going back, then, to their people and telling them about the ‘soul of the Church,’ of ‘salvation outside the Church through sincerity’ – apart from the teachings and Sacraments of Jesus Christ; and calling this arrangement ‘Baptism of Desire’...  What kind of teaching is that? That is Christmas without the manger: Good Friday without any God bleeding; Easter Sunday without any Flesh and Blood coming out of the tomb. That is the Christian Faith without any Pope – the most visible religious leader in the World!”

Fr. Feeney, writing the above passage before the Second Vatican Council, predicted the eventual loss of the pope because of the great number of heretics within the structures of the Church who denied the necessity of the Church for salvation.  This is an amazing insight! 
Fr. Feeney also notes that this heresy against the salvation dogma and the necessity of Baptism leads to “Good Friday without any God bleeding.”  Just take a look at the Novus Ordo churches to see if that has been fulfilled.  Fr. Feeney goes on to say in the same chapter:
Fr. Feeney S.J., Bread of Life, p. 42:“When the Vatican Council reconvenes, I humbly plead with our Holy Father, the Pope (Pius XII), that he will immediately gather his plenipotentiary powers of infallible pronouncement to clear up the wild confusion of visible orating (on the part of his priests and bishops) about an invisible Church – or else the gates of Hell will have all but prevailed against us.  The most visible ruler in the world, our Holy Father, in his white robe and white zuchetto, may as well take off his triple tiaraand get down from his golden throne, and leave Christianity to the kind of committee arrangements to which it is committed in the present-day America, if we keep on preaching ‘Baptism of Desire.’”
As can be seen on our video Vatican II: Council of Apostasy and on our website, this statement underlined above—the loss of the papal tiara—actually took place when Antipope Paul VI happily surrendered the papal tiara and papal pectoral cross to the representatives of the United Nations who in turn sold it to a Jewish merchant! 
When Antipope Paul VI gave away the Papal Tiara, it was symbolic of the giving away of Papal authority (although he had none to give away since he was an antipope).   But it was symbolic of how the enemies of the Church, and the non-Catholic heretics, had been allowed to take over the Church’s physical structures and create a counterfeit, non-Catholic sect (the Vatican II sect).  This insight of Fr. Feeney on the Papal Tiara is so accurate that God must have put these words into his mouth.  But it just demonstrates again that once the necessity of the Church is denied the rest of the Faith becomes meaningless.  This is why those who think that the Mass issue is the main issue, and where the battle really lies, are mistaken.  The battle begins and is centered around this dogma, because once the necessity of the Catholic Faith is denied then everything else becomes meaningless.

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