Friday, February 16, 2018

The liberal theologians suggest that all do not need to enter the Church since there could be exceptions of BOD, BOB and I.I( as if we could know of any) or someone could be saved at the last moment( as if we could know of someone)

 We cannot and should not judge anyone as Father Feeney did. He stepped over and pronounced a person not saved. This is completely up to God .
The Church tells us that non Catholics are on the way to Hell.This is done through the dogma EENS.
So we can say when someone is oriented to Hell. You cannot say that at the last moment a particular person will be saved with BOD etc.
The Catholic Church teaches in the dogma EENS and has always taught that all need to be members of the Church with faith and baptism for salvation, which is, to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.
The liberal theologians suggest that all do not need to enter the Church since there could be exceptions of BOD, BOB and I.I( as if we could know of any)  or someone could be saved at the last moment( as if we could know of someone). Both inferences are false. We cannot know these cases and so they are not exceptions to the ordinary means of salvation.
There are no known exceptions to the rule.
So I affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS and tell every one that they need to be baptised in the Church and live the faith- teachings of the Church to avoid Hell.There is only one way to Heaven and that is membership in the Catholic Church and living the Gospels- following the traditional faith and moral teachings  of the Catholic Church and receiving the Sacramants.
I cannot know of anyone who will be saved at the last second before death and who will be an exception to the dogma EENS and I do not know any person in 2018 who will be saved with BOD(baptism of desire), BOB(baptism of blood) and I.I(invincible ignorance) and so will not have to be baptised in the Church.
We know that the majority of people are on the way to Hell since they die without faith and baptism. Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7).So this indirectly is a Vatican Council II -teaching i.e that the majority of people, who die outside the Church, are oriented to Hell.
So millions of people are oriented to Hell. They die without the baptism of water and they also commit mortal sins in that state.They do not know Jesus and they do not call  on Him for help.They are slaves of Satan.
-Lionel Andrades

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