Thursday, February 8, 2018

The New Theology of Rahner, Ratzinger and Ladaria has been accepted by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Neo Cathechumenal Way, traditionalists and all the religious communities.

The New Theology of Rahner, Ratzinger and Ladaria has been accepted by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Neo Cathechumenal Way, traditionalists and all the religious communities.
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Catholics do not know that this New Theology is based on an objective error , a philosophical mistake which was used to eliminate the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
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With their New Theology they interpreted Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition, a break with the past ecclesiology and the Syllabus of Errors.
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The traditionalists affirm the Syllabus of Errors since they side step Vatican Council II and go back to Tradition but for the lay communities, the new religious movements within the Catholic Church  this is not possible.Since they affirm Vatican Council II with the New Theology, what I call Cushingism or Cushingite theology.
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 The New Theology says there is known salvation outside the Church, possibilities in the past are allegedly known people in the present times. Invisible cases of the baptism of desire for example, are visible in the present times.
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Since there is salvation outside the Church, EENS has been rejected and the old ecumenism of return has been put aside.There is no need to proclaim the non separation of Church and State  and the Social Reign of Christ the King.

Since with Cushingism; with the Rahner-Ratzinger-Ladaria reasoning, non Catholics can be saved in their religion(Abp.Lefebvre) or through Jesus and the Church(Cardinal Ratzinger, CCC 846 etc) or the extraordinary way(Fr.Jean Marie Gleize SSPX).So non Catholics  do not necessarily need to be a member of the Church.This was also the understanding of the Cushingites at Vatican Council II.
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Image result for Photos New Theology
Now Catholics have to realize that the New Theology is only one option for interpreting Vatican Council II.

Catholics can go back to the old theology which I call Feeneyism.They simply have to avoid the error of Cushingism, which is the use of the false premise.
Cushingism assumes hypothetical cases are not hypothetical.
Feeneyism assumes hypothetical cases are just hypothetical.
So choose what is rational.
Cushingism assumes people in the past were saved without  the baptism of water in the Church.They were saved  instead with the baptism of desire or baptism of blood.They are exceptions to EENS e.g St. Emerentiana.
Feeneyism assumes that people in the past were not physically seen in Heaven.
So choose what is rational.
Cushingism assumes that there is the Anonymous Christian in other religions.
Feeeneyism says that even if there were such cases they  would be hypothetical and unknown for us.So this is not relevant to EENS.
So choose what is rational.
Cushingism says that the New Theology is based on Vatican Council II in which it is assumed that there is known salvation outside the Church.
Feeneyism says Vatican Council II made an objective mistake, a philosophical error which was earlier there in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston.This is a rupture with the past teachings of the Holy Spirit to the Magisterium.

So choose what is rational, traditional, magisterial and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Put aside Cushingism.It  is an innovation in the Church. It is not rational and is a rupture between faith and reason.With Cushingism we have to re-interpret the Nicene Creed heretically( I believe in three or more known baptisms which exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church).It creates a false Profession of Faith.
Due to Cushingism we do not have doctrinal unity in the Church.It is the present magisterium which has apostasized and broken away with the past authentic Magisterium of the Church, inspired by the Holy Spirit.

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, the Neo Catehumenal Way and  the new religious communities, along with the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) , must reject Cushingism and re-interpret Vatican Council II without the New Theology(Cushingism).
Vatican Council II would then be in harmony with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church, the Syllabus of Errors and an ecumenism of return.Feeneyism is the missing link.
-Lionel Andrades

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