Friday, February 23, 2018

This is how Michael Voris, Louie Verrechio, the FSSP and SSPX must re-read the text of Vatican Council II.It means there is no known salvation outside the Church, Protestants are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Church, inter faith marriages are adultery and Protestants receiving the Eucharist are in a sacrilege

Once on a Church Militant program Michael Voris and Louie Verrecchio observed that there are passages in Vatican Council II for and against Tradition, in support and against the teaching on outside the Church there is no salvation.This is a Cushingite way of looking at Vatican Council II.It must be avoided.

This is how the liberals interpret the Council text.Instead Michael Voris and Louie Verrecchio should have said that Vatican Council II supports Tradition and the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).The passages which seem to contradict EENS are hypothetical references.They are theoretical cases.
This is the rational way to interpret the Council. 

I recall the late Mons.Ignacio Barreiro speaking to a young American priest of the FSSP at his HLI office in Rome. Mons. Barreiro was telling him that Vatican Council II speaks both ways, it is for and against Tradition. There are some passages which support Tradition and there are others which oppose it. The FSSP priest agreed.

This is incorrect.The controversial, innovative passages in Vatican Council II come from assuming unknown people are known in the present times and they are examples of salvation outside the Church, even though there are no such people.

This is reading Vatican Council II according to the popes since Paul VI but it is irrational.There is also a rational alternative which is not known to most Catholics. 
So it is important not to say that Vatican Council II supports Tradition but is also a break with Tradition. This is common among traditionalists. This is the pro-Masonic and irrational way to see the Council. Instead say that there are passages in Vatican Council II that support the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS, the Syllabus of Errors and the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church and there are passages which seem to contradict them at first sight, but really do not do so.
They are there because of the mistake in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which was overlooked by the Council Fathers at Vatican Council II.

It was then not corrected by the Prefects of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican.It is an objective mistake and so cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit.

We have to go back to the 1949 Letter and see that hypothetical and known only to God cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance never ever could be explicit and objections to the dogma EENS.The Letter made an objective mistake.

Similarly in Vatican Council II, LG 14 ( unknown catechumen who desires the baptism of water but dies before receiving it and is allegedly saved), LG 16( case of an unknown person saved without the baptism of water but in invincible ignorance) cannot be exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. Likewise GS 22, UR ,NA 2, LG 8 etc are all hypothetical cases and so are not relevant to Feeneyite EENS. There is no development with Vatican Council II when it is read like this . 

The Council, without the 'development', without mixing up what is implicit as being explicit, invisible as being visible,  does not  contradict EENS accordiung to the missionaries in the 16th century, as Pope Benedict alleged in March 2016(Avvenire).

This is how Michael Voris, Louie Verrechio, the FSSP and the SSPX must re-read the text of Vatican Council II.
Then it means that there is no known salvation outside the Church and so Protestants are on the way to Hell and they need to convert into the Church as membrs.A marriage to a Protestant would be adultery and Protestants,being outside the Church, cannot be given the Eucharist otherwise it would be a sacrilege and bring pain to Jesus.-Lionel Andrades.


FEBRUARY 23, 2018

Tell Card.Marx that you affirm Vatican Council II according to Lionel Andrades.There is no known salvation outside the Church. So Protestants cannot receieve the Eucharist (Graphics)

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