Friday, February 2, 2018

Traditionalist bloggers( Mundabor, Ann Barnhardt , David Domet, Louie Verracchio and Tantumblogo ) are Cushingites,innovators in theology and doctrine like Cardinal Ratzinger and Archbishop Lefebvre.

good riddance

Good Riddance - Mundabors' blog.

I generally avoid making names when criticizing other (more or less) Catholic blogs and writers, and I will do the same this time. I leave it to the discernment of the reader to draw their general conclusions (both in particular and in general) from what I am about to write.
Lionel: You are not sure of yourself. So you are not  taking names.This is new theological territory for you.
I have a special sort of allergy for those fake “c”atholic, confused, “let’s see where the “spirit” drives me today”-blogs which are at the same time pompous, self-centred and distinctly unCatholic. 
What I write here about Feeneyism( according to L.A) is the old teachings of the Catholic Church but presented in an original way.
I am not saying anything new but then I am also not interpreting Vatican Council II like everybody else.
So when you refer to Vatican Council II also refer to the Lionel-version, for precision.
No one else has noticed the 'invisible-visible link' or explained it like I have done.
I have mentioned my name so that the issue becomes concrete.It is not the apologetics of the SBC, SSPX  or sedevacantists.It is that of L.A.
Catholicism can never be reinvented. Experience shows that it cannot be “updated” (update in Italian is “aggiornamento”) without causing extremely grave damage. It does not even need to be polished. The only thing that Catholicism needs is to be learned, accepted in toto, and defended in season and out of season. 
I am not saying anything new but then I am also not interpreting Vatican Council II like everybody else.
Just as the Magisterium was wrong on Amoris Laeitia ,and the Kazakh bishops have correctly pointed out the mistake similarly they must correct the magisterial error ofCushingism.Cushingism is explained only on Lionel's Blog.
More in general, Catholicism is never about you, nor is any sane person that does not sleep in your bed or in its near proximity really interested in how you feel today. Much less will any sane Catholic care a straw about what strange new interpretation of – actually – very easy things you are concocting right now. 
We can interpret Vatican Council II with the theology of Feeneyism or Cushingism and the conclusion would be different.It would be a rupture or continuity with Tradition.
When I refer to Feeneyism I do not mean it as it is interpreted by the St. Benedict Centers, the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, USA.
I refer to Feeneyism according to Lionel Andrades.
I remember a CINO blogger who, on the day Amoris Laetitia was released, enthusiastically embraced the novelty, actually coming to the point of wondering how much the Church still has to travel on the way to “understanding” where Satan  (cough) the “Spirit” is leading Her. Alas, she was too fast, and the tidal wave of criticism promptly caused by that demonic work suggested to her more cautious tones in the future. 
This particular episode is emblematic of so much of CINO blog and journalistic activity. They don’t “get” Catholicism, because they do not submit to it. They treat their religion like they treat their own political party. They ponder about what might have been wrong until today within the Church and what (and it is a lot) has to change as if they discussed the pros and cons of a low-carb diet, or of a new type of exercise routine. They think that truth changes and, most stupidly of all, that this rather fickle, imaginary “spirit” has chosen them to be a vehicle for the spreading of, no less, a new and improved truth. 
Listen, CINO blogger or journalist: in Catholic matters the surest indication of what is right is what your devout grand-grandmother would have thought right, and you will discover that your grand-grandmother was actually pretty well-aligned with all the old encyclical letters, catechisms, and other learning material we have received from past ages. There is nothing to innovate, nothing to add, nothing to take away. Any fantasy of a “spirit” leading us to some “new truth” is satanical delusion and willed, mortally sinful, self-deception. 
Lionel:My grandmother believed outside the outside the Church there was no salvation.She did not attend university to assume like Mundabor, Ann Barnhardt ,David Domet, Louie Verracchio and Tantumblogo that invisible cases of the baptism of desire etc were visible exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This is Cushingism and it is an innovation in the Church. 
Yes, your grand-grandmother possibly had less fun in bed than many XXI century women; but then again she lived a far better, wholesome, more serene life than the absolutely vast majority of women today; and she died at peace with the Lord, which is the most important part. Yes, your grand-grandmother did not care a straw for “inclusion” of perverts, but this was because she was Catholic. Yes, your grand-grandmother was possibly not even allowed to vote; but this was never an obstacle to her being a blessing to her loved ones and friends, a precious counsel to her husband and leader, and a loyal servant of Christ. 
One of those fake-orthodoxy-cum-modern-times blog has just closed, apparently because of the “spirit”.
Good riddance.     
A blog that confuses the truths of always with the fads of today has not deserved to be called a Catholic blog; and those who write and spread such rubbish imperil their soul.
Traditionalist bloggers are Cushingites,innovators in theology and doctrine like Cardinal Ratzinger and Archbishop Lefebvre.
-Lionel Andrades

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