Saturday, February 17, 2018

Would the German bishops go into schism?

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The German bishops have it easy. Pope Benedict supports them today on doctrine.They are not confronted with Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).Since the liberals, traditionalists and conservatives can only interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism.
The German bishops too use Cushingism to interpret the Council and then there is a break with Tradition.They like it.
Image result for Photos  German Catholic Bishops conference
Now picture a scenario when Pope Benedict and Pope Francis admit in public that Vatican Council (Cushingite) is irrational and that Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) is the rational and traditional doctrinal teaching of the Church. They affirm Vatican Council II(Feeneyite). Now picture the tension among the German bishops.The German bishops Conference could reject Vatican Council (Feeneyite). 
Liberals rejecting Vatican Council II?
Image result for Photos  German Catholic Bishops conference with <Pope Francis
Liberals in the same position as the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) is in today?
On the other hand the traditionalists (picture this) will be thanking the popes for accepting Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) and Romes' coming back to the Faith, their discarding of Vatican Council II(Cushingite), which has a hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition.
Image result for Photos  German Catholic Bishops conference with <Pope Francis
They would of course welcome Vatican Councl II(Feeneyite) which is in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors , the past exclusivist ecclesiology and Feeneyite EENS. The magisterium after Vatican Council II would be in harmony with the Magisterium of the 16th century.
Would the German bishops go into schism?
-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 17, 2018

The two popes and Cardinal Ladaria must be asked to affirm EENS (Feeneyite) and BOD(Feeneyite) and reject EENS(Cushingite) and BOD(Cushingite)

FEBRUARY 17, 2018

I am a Feeneyite who does not reject Vatican Council II

 FEBRUARY 17, 2018

I am a Feeneyite who does not reject BOD, BOB and I.I

FEBRUARY 17, 2018

6- To reinterpret Vatican Council II and switch from Cushingism to Feeneyism review your understanding of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949

FEBRUARY 17, 2018

I affirm baptism of desire(BOD) Feeneyite and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) Feeneyite.I do not reject BOD,baptism of blood (BOB)and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) which are always Feeneyite for me.

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