Monday, February 5, 2018

Would ICRS, the Focolares, Neo Cathecumenal Way and other religious movements also approve Feeneyite philosophy and theology in the interpretation of magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II?

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement can affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus just like the Jesuits in the Middle Ages when they use Feeneyite theology but what about the Charismatic Renewal Praise and Workshop Groups today ? 
I  e-mailed the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services(ICRSS)  last month.Would ICRS approve if I started a Praise and Worship Group using Feeneyite theology ( according to Lionel Andrades) instead of the present, common Cushingite version ?
Would the Focolares, Neo Cathecumenal Way and other religious movements also approve Feeneyite philosophy and theology in the interpretation of magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II?
Would their Schools of Evangelisation be based on Feeneyite theology. They would conduct mission like the Jesuits in the Middle Ages ?
Evangelisation would be based on past, traditional doctrines of the Church ? -Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 21, 2018

Catholic Charismatic Renewal can affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus like the Jesuits in the Middle Ages


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