Sunday, February 18, 2018

You may hope that a particular person outside the Church is finally saved but this is not the same as knowing this in personal cases.

  Yes i am saying that all in Heaven are Catholic but  not the same way that you are saying it. 
Now please tell me are you saying that all non Catholics in the world in 2018 are on the way to Hell, with no known exception, unless they enter the Catholic Church with faith and the baptism of water?
I am saying YES.While you are using Cushingism and so are accomodating known cases of the baptism of desire who are exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.So you cannot say Yes.

I do know of BOB CATHOLICS who left this world with Baptism of Blood as TAUGHT BY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.
You believe that they exist like St. Emerentiana.You believe this in faith. Theoretically you think it is possible. 
For this hypothetical case to be an exception it has to be a known personally.
For example, there has to be a person in 2018 who has been saved with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church. In this way, you could say that there is an exception to EENS.
People in Heaven cannot be exceptions to the dogma EENS on earth.
Speculation of people being in Heaven are not known exceptions to the dogma EENS in the present times.
Only God would know about a baptism of desire case. You would not be able to see such a person in Heaven.Neither can you say that God will judge a particular person to be saved without the baptism of water in the Church because he is your relative or a friend or someone whom you admired. 
You  may hope that a particular person outside the Church is finally saved but this is not the same as knowing this in personal cases.
So you do not know of any non Catholic saved with the baptism of desire in the present  times. It was the same with the people at the time of St. Emerentiana. They could not see St. Emerentiana in Heaven without the baptism of water.So someone in faith must have assumed that this happened.
Secondly a theoretical possibility of the past, speculation in the past, cannot be an objective exception to the dogma EENS in the present times (2018).
-Lionel Andrades

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